『薪火post』BNO續期資訊(64) 先睇頭POST同DOC後先問問題之Join Q改咗名
所記 2019-9-27 22:57:18 有無再問清楚衰邊瓣?會唔會係地址證明?


所記 2019-9-27 22:57:44 Webchat
搭車去歐洲 2019-9-27 23:05:49 Applicant’s documents
Send the following:

old passport
full birth (civil and hospital) or adoption certificate showing both the child’s and parents’ details
the passport used to enter the country from which you are applying (if this applies)
And 1 of the following from the last 12 months, that shows your name and address and/or residency:

letter from your employer
medical card
letter from your local council or a government department
voter’s card
visa or residence permit (a colour photocopy will do)
education record for example a school report
immigration documents

岩岩process完online application
山上的牛兒 2019-9-27 23:07:03 唔係lost case 、小朋友相BNO 95年過期,皇冠頭出世紙、無底面彩印
初心獵人 2019-9-27 23:07:18 我23入q
副簽bc 都冇用
日復日抽乾靈魂 2019-9-27 23:11:22 到而家都冇收到email...
Kraft999 2019-9-27 23:14:13

我想問下我做咗lost & found (身分證大法)之後收到呢個email 即係我可以apply 新BNO?
希魔 2019-9-27 23:15:07
希魔 2019-9-27 23:15:57
希魔 2019-9-27 23:16:35 有咩比咩
希魔 2019-9-27 23:17:36 你肯定有本舊BNO


Kraft999 2019-9-27 23:19:25 我冇㗎,係我阿媽嗰本手寫咗我名

Include child 嗰欄仲要係0,所以先想問
希魔 2019-9-27 23:21:37 身份證大法
Kraft999 2019-9-27 23:23:39 係啊 我就係爬文做身分證大法

Cocaine 2019-9-27 23:24:28
希魔 2019-9-27 23:25:17


巴哈狗 2019-9-27 23:26:10 有無巴打分享下空郵掛號嘅經驗
我都知我係心急但係網上 tracking 由21號到而家27號都仲係「已交付運輸公司/出發前往目的地」,一路都未到達英國
我見其他巴打好多空郵掛號都係一星期 HMPO 就收到,搞到我好囉囉攣
希魔 2019-9-27 23:27:12 查ROYAL MAIL
Kraft999 2019-9-27 23:29:42 Exactly like this lol
雷珍妮 2019-9-27 23:31:47 Ricky Leung
希魔 2019-9-27 23:33:14 要比你老母果本


希魔 2019-9-27 23:35:42 有冇圖
萊比錫 2019-9-27 23:36:04 要補countersign?
羽生太太 2019-9-27 23:40:19
Cocaine 2019-9-27 23:40:19