[今生要做美國人] DV-2021 美國綠卡抽獎討論區
巨乳王子 2019-10-2 15:18:07 海關小房間,話我果時去美國第二次太多,仲搜我行李電話先俾我入境。果年就抽到


為所欲為 2019-10-2 17:32:20 LM
排除萬難 2019-10-2 19:36:08 係唔係4/10 零晨開始
巨乳王子 2019-10-3 03:11:34 https://dvlottery.state.gov/

Now opens
黑色的酒 2019-10-3 08:36:03 免費
長崎岸久 2019-10-3 10:34:00 有寫唔俾重用相咩?
Gay本野 2019-10-3 12:23:53 Lau Ming
唔做大陸人 2019-10-3 13:32:54 係咪成家人都可以一齊去?
No_one 2019-10-3 14:08:53 要近六個月內影,已經有台仔試過因為用舊相比個邊取消左申請
完全唔知想點 2019-10-3 21:29:21
平易近人習近平 2019-10-3 22:51:23 我諗passport果格係搞簽證姐,唔關事?


巨乳王子 2019-10-3 23:41:58 可以,我都有
巨乳王子 2019-10-3 23:42:44 係呀,成年既仔女好似會麻煩d
No_one 2019-10-4 00:45:11 The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.

Your support ID is: XXXXXXXXXX

用過唔同devices, wifi, network 都唔得
銀河皇帝 2019-10-4 00:45:43 #請廣傳

你 註定輸一世!


The Government treats all HongKongers as nothing and they also want to pass the anti-mask law to tackle protesters.
It is time for us to speak up! Let’s give your opinion on performing general strike.

Deadline: 11 Oct 2019 1200 HKT

巨乳王子 2019-10-4 02:09:49 我朋友入到喎,試另一個browser?
AirbusA320neo 2019-10-4 09:46:25 SPLM
巨乳陳自瑤 2019-10-4 09:58:49 依家打緊硬仗 起碼打埋場仗先走啦
在下廢ching 2019-10-4 10:00:34 你估抽到就可以即刻走咩
*斗零扮五蚊* 2019-10-4 10:51:56 我識有人抽中過, 即刻全家移民
No_one 2019-10-4 19:50:33 唔得

可能比個邊當左我係 bot. 格兩日再試


重口味名士 2019-10-4 20:51:27 可能同時太多人申請?
無眼睇xxoo 2019-10-5 12:19:53 The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.
我幾日都係咁 咩事??
羊海安 2019-10-5 15:23:03 想問下 申請美國綠卡抽獎既相片規格要求 係咪同一般美國護照相片要求一樣???
有諗過去快屠美影 但要成$150... 而且唔想幫襯藍絲店
No_one 2019-10-5 18:25:51 未得閒 FC

上reddit 有人話可能張相size太大個面server 頂唔到, 要壓細張相先得。
當然記得要符合返佢standard (300dpi, 600x600...etc)


Hey everyone I was getting the same error for the past few days, I tried contacting the site admin but no luck though i got a reply that due to the traffic on the website it can effect and you may consider relaunching the browser and all. So today I decided to do some troubleshooting by myself I tried different devices, changed connection, tried VPN as well no luck. I decided to pull up network logs and noticed that It uploads the content i.e image but then it crashes and redirects to request rejected url. My image size was not that much it was around 178 KB so I used an online image size reducer and you can find one from google. I reduced the image size to 40 KB without effecting on the quality of the image as it is the main thing when it comes to the dv lottery. After that I submitted my profile and volaa it did the trick. I got to the second page and I was then able to submit the profile. Y'all can try this solution on your own I'm not responsible if something happens it did the trick for me though so make sure you check the image quality and size everything before submitting.

Good luck everyone!!!!!