蕭失豐乳中 2019-10-30 14:16:44 邊到訂?


Glockenspiel 2019-10-30 14:26:08 s&c
蕭失豐乳中 2019-10-30 14:50:58 好平喎
戇鳩鳩食賓周 2019-10-30 14:55:43 Arcteryx 專門店個 size 係Asia 定 international?
我問個 sales 佢話 international 但我覺得怪怪地
想買 Kappa 但係香港冇
我170 高 去左 K11 求其試件 down jacket M size 好 fit
但睇 website 個鬼佬 183cm 都係M size
RCHK 2019-10-30 15:25:48 度胸 chest 再留意件 jacket 係咩 fitting

娜恩B世界第一 2019-10-30 15:44:11 我想問有冇咩絨背心推介..我睇過不死鳥 佢一係好多格一係LT冇格..我搵緊大約好似呢隻款咁 唔算太多.但係又有D PUFF
個人意見 2019-10-30 16:22:37 想問如果一月中去瑞士芬蘭着Patagonia件Tres 3-In-1 Parka喺出面然後入面著heat tech加厚hoodie 夠唔夠暖? 如果唔夠暖除咗不死鳥kappa仲有咩推薦?
夜啦 2019-10-30 16:26:53 Beta sl知唔知可以邊到有得試下/買?

而且好似得Beta sl hybrid
我夾你 2019-10-30 16:50:36 沙木尼,官方專賣店都有,喺香港買就沙木尼最抵,有七折
銀狐白髮蒼天海 2019-10-30 17:02:26 上網睇咋,無寫呀
戇鳩鳩食賓周 2019-10-30 22:34:14 Thx 巴打
另外 North face 呢件其實同 kappa 係咪差唔多?
800 fill power ~650g


娜恩B世界第一 2019-10-31 00:18:10 推呀
Klattermusen代理 2019-10-31 00:55:35 Beta sl 無再出啦
Zeta sl 我度有少少 S , M 下星期先到
夜啦 2019-10-31 02:35:50 想問下兩件有咩分別?

我打算去上面巴打講果間沙木尼買 7折好似好抵
將軍澳自由閪 2019-10-31 06:49:51 想問下咁多位巴絲
Arc’teryx Porton LT 同 Atom LT會點簡?
想買件嚟冬天做mid layer 同埋春秋做outer layer


上trekitt 睇話proton lt 做mid layer好啲
Atom lt 比較all around 做outer layer好啲

驅逐共匪 2019-10-31 11:34:02 想問下點解官網同Campsaver個SIZING CHART係有分別既,係咪因為新款同舊款?




梅利 2019-10-31 11:46:49 有無啲款好似atom lt 既中層,但係有帽,頂帽可以收埋?

而家得件gamma mx hoodie , 有時著完再加 hardshell hardshell 好唔自然
maninblack 2019-10-31 12:20:21 唔同cutting 都會有岀入,如果你試過實物就買番同size 好過信cs 個size chart
梁潮偉 2019-10-31 12:33:54 我諗你要着上身先知邊件暖d, 如果無重量比較
梁潮偉 2019-10-31 12:34:59 Atom LT 我會揀, 佢太all round.
梁潮偉 2019-10-31 12:36:08 背心真係無研究...唔識..

我著既機會太少. 一件Atom LT 當背心功能咁著都得...


驅逐共匪 2019-10-31 13:23:07 最慘同款alpha Sv 都係咁寫,係專門店試左再上網買上年款,都唔知試完可唔可以作準
驅逐共匪 2019-10-31 13:27:12 上campsave $466買左件Alpha Sv,仲未知會唔會送去專運倉,佢sd email黎話

We truly apologize but your order has been temporarily placed on hold. For your protection, we need to validate this credit card transaction before we can proceed with your order.

There are two simple ways to verify your transaction:

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By choosing Manual Verification, you qualify for a 5% discount on your entire order. Please note, due to certain restrictions, the incentive will be selected by our Order Processing Team and cannot be changed upon request.

Here is how Manual Verification works:

I. We charge your card for a random amount between $0.01 and $5.00. This amount will either be credited back to you or applied towards your purchase.
II. You verify the charged amount with your bank, over the phone or online.
III. You contact us by phone or email with the exact amount which was charged.
IV. Once verified, we immediately continue processing your order.

Takk... 2019-10-31 13:50:28 係美帝辦工時間上返campsaver個網

口德村村長 2019-10-31 14:36:56 上次email覆佢話做manual verification 再跟住佢指示做就搞掂