方丈報:荃灣男浮屍身份曝光 28歲仔疑官司纏身跳海亡
nothingbutall 2019-9-24 21:40:43 就當呢單炒車 咁其他呢? 要繼續保持質疑 唔係話唔推行動post 係無理由咁就唔理


扑野快樂 2019-9-24 21:41:42 28歲 就要死.... 唉... 哭... 太早啦....
認真你就輸 2019-9-24 21:49:17 此回覆已被刪除
焦糖媽咪麵 2019-9-24 21:53:08 又或者係本身有案在身既抗爭者
就將佢假扮成怕坐監 所以自殺
失散於繁囂 2019-9-24 22:04:01 此回覆已被刪除
人一個歡喜 2019-9-24 22:20:12 上面一段係喺淡水浸住時啲症狀, 原文在病理學期刊刊登

呢段係講浸係水之後肢體僵硬嘅變化 --->
腐爛分解(腐敗)也受水溫的影響。在英國,人體腐爛會較在空氣中時, 需時多一陪,在流動水中可能更久,但在嚴重污染的水就會較快 ;在熱帶水中人體可以在24小時左右開始分解,相反在持續低於5°C的水中, 可能幾個星期亦沒有明顯的分解跡象。隨著腐爛發展,腸內的氣體的形成會逐漸增加浮力,並在沒有限制時, 會腹部向上浮上水面(在英國大約三到十四天后,取決於季節)特別的是, 曾浸水的人體暴露空氣中,即使有足夠的雪藏環境分解仍會非常迅速。人體經過長時間浸泡會形成脂肪。
浸軟是浸入水中的特徵,是因皮膚吸收水份。首先出現在指尖上,然後是手掌,然後是手背。類似的變化很快會在其他皮膚, 例如腳發生。皮膚會變白,浸透,變厚和起皺(有時稱為“洗衣婦女的皮膚”)。表皮隨著時間變得鬆散和剝落。到最後指甲和頭髮脫落。浸軟會在溫水中加快(可能會在幾分鐘之內出現),但在溫帶氣候下,通常需要8至24小時, 才可觀察到明顯變化。表皮大約7至10天后開始分離,大約3至4週後,皮膚和指甲可能已經足夠分離, 甚至可以像手套一樣脫掉, 衣物包括鞋會延遲浸軟達50% 。由此可知不同的因素會令腐爛有很大差別;估計浸水的時間長度極困難,在嘗試得出結論時必須格外小心。

Effects of immersion in water
These, reviewed in standard texts, are obviously influenced by duration and water temperature, but other factors, such as whether the water is still or flowing, fresh or salt, clean or polluted, are also relevant.
Immersion modifies most changes after death. Bodycooling will relate directly to the water temperature. In the United Kingdom cooling in water is roughly twice that in air, and is accelerated in flowing rivers and streams. Onset and duration of rigor mortis are also affected by water temperature: in cold water onset is delayed and duration prolonged. Drowning is a well recognised context in which cadaveric spasm (instantaneous rigor) maybe encountered ("the drowning man clutching at straws"). As most submerged bodies float prone, with arms and legs hanging downwards, hypostasis (lividity )is usually maximal on face, neck, upper anterior chest, forearms, hands, lower legs and feet. In Caucasians it may be appreciably pink, perhaps because immersion facilitates oxygenation through the wet skin after death, or perhaps merely the result of cold. With fast flowing water, the constant movement may impair ,if not inhibit completely, development of hypostasis.
Decomposition (putrefaction) is also influenced by water temperature. In the United Kingdom time intervals associated with the various standard changes are about twice as long as those in air, but may be prolonged further in flowing water and reduced in heavy pollution.In tropical waters decomposition may be established by 24 hours, where as none may be apparent after several weeks in water constantly below 40°F(5°C). With advancing decomposition, gas formation increases buoyancy until ultimately (in the United Kingdom after about three to 14 days, depending on the season), and providing it is free to do so ,the body will float, often, because of intestinal putrefactive gases, belly upwards. Interestingly, once a submerged body is exposed to air after recovery, decomposition often proceeds very rapidly, and this may well continue despite apparently adequate refrigeration. With prolonged immersion, adipocere will form.
生命毫無價值 2019-9-24 22:21:14 成身傷 又膠紙真係好撚難信係自殺
華倫泰 2019-9-24 22:28:32 同意,popo最想正當化所有屍體發現案都無可疑
英皇Hacken(勤仔) 2019-9-24 22:56:27 問題就係個預言解釋唔撚到
DrWatson 2019-9-24 22:57:11 有無人覺得郭桂來個來 同家屬嗌個音「亮/良」好似?特別好激動咁叫個時。

我只是個孩子 2019-9-24 23:00:59 點解唔會諗下係黑警自己開POST



豬Mail 2019-9-24 23:02:04 仆你個街,死者突然離開人世,家屬都未接受到,你班冷氣偵探就係咁將個死者樣放大黎研究,炒完車又唔撚認,再踩多兩腳鬧埋家屬扮野,人地屋企人係乜野心情????

我只是個孩子 2019-9-24 23:03:31 班仆街炒撚左車咪當冇件事

死者家人感受? WFC咩
香港普選 2019-9-24 23:04:30 死黑警多行不義必自斃,禍必及妻兒子女!
bb多謝你愛我 2019-9-24 23:05:05 Push
占斯甸 2019-9-24 23:29:56 此回覆已被刪除
Jen23 2019-9-24 23:30:41 此回覆已被刪除
A餐雞蛋撞石牆 2019-9-24 23:35:44 都有機,班狗腦度劇本度咗好耐
Guy_Fong 2019-9-24 23:38:23 此回覆已被刪除
513453 2019-9-24 23:51:12 呢個post有幾個根本就係黎帶風既

夜晚晚傻99 2019-9-24 23:57:37 記得好耐之前有一個post係有人話新屋嶺附近係一個屠房,有冷藏庫?


哈妮波突 2019-9-25 00:12:37 https://m.facebook.com/groups/1122394971134899?view=permalink&id=3147804935260549

娟姨 2019-9-25 00:19:51 https://www.facebook.com/1648246202123798/posts/2426999467581797?sfns=mo
胸懷蛋白 2019-9-25 00:22:08 正常放合照
然後依家話冇乜相 笑咗
氣質型惡女 2019-9-25 01:43:56 全部證據都證明係差佬殺