MC_Ride 2019-12-1 21:52:50 Twigs 新碟好高質



獨木橋上 2019-12-2 00:30:14
NeigeNeige 2019-12-2 11:20:45
buleamo 2019-12-2 11:22:38
被聽見的寂靜老虎 2019-12-2 21:15:00
穆斯林兄弟 2019-12-3 09:35:43
NeigeNeige 2019-12-3 10:43:24

Jabin Law - A Bite Of Hell

Bandcamp: https://jabinlaw.bandcamp.com/album/a-bite-of-hell
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1fOTGE5hTuVAhpQo0q9Go3?si=E4aVaO1kRoKGG0lpx3J7jw
Tidal: https://tidal.com/browse/album/120789703

今天喜歡 Mr. Lee is Trying to Sell His Soul
穆斯林兄弟 2019-12-3 23:05:28 個封面幾正
可以電腦 2019-12-3 23:18:48 改變一生
穆斯林兄弟 2019-12-3 23:48:32

打開這幻象 2019-12-5 14:45:01 一個本地無乜人講嘅artist,係外國可能會有人用力捧


打開這幻象 2019-12-5 14:45:43 發覺indie 毒撚嘅starting point都收音機頭
可以電腦 2019-12-5 16:23:45

Matt_Helders 2019-12-5 19:10:40 Me too
穆斯林兄弟 2019-12-5 20:30:48
Matt_Helders 2019-12-5 21:11:09 有乜評價?
穆斯林兄弟 2019-12-5 21:53:59 solid to a strong 6
獨木橋上 2019-12-5 21:55:39 唔係好多都係muse/oasis咩
被聽見的寂靜老虎 2019-12-5 21:56:44 小弟係買Blur先
Matt_Helders 2019-12-5 22:05:13 Start from which album?
穆斯林兄弟 2019-12-5 22:08:54 oasis is my first cd


林文悅 2019-12-5 22:14:41
林文悅 2019-12-5 22:16:10 呢個post 好多tame impala hater
穆斯林兄弟 2019-12-5 22:19:54 唔係嘅,至多係currents hater 啫

不過我聽完兩首single都唔想pre order住
獨木橋上 2019-12-5 23:30:59 Currents真係好鳩屎