[網球] ATP及WTA討論區 (25)
sigurros 2019-10-26 22:54:01 好難講,狀態好飄忽


TalkToMeGoose 2019-10-26 23:24:42 加油呀小矮人
Federer21 2019-10-26 23:39:09 此回覆已被刪除
木木梟無咀吹簫 2019-10-26 23:49:40 場final實基情流露
Mayuko 2019-10-27 00:01:46 此回覆已被刪除
Tinder出奇蛋 2019-10-27 00:06:16
Tinder出奇蛋 2019-10-27 00:11:58 痴撚線drop shot
木木梟無咀吹簫 2019-10-27 00:12:17 可能讓小矮人呢,話晒分數上近啲有權打atp finals
Mayuko 2019-10-27 00:17:23 此回覆已被刪除
TalkToMeGoose 2019-10-27 00:18:13 break了
TalkToMeGoose 2019-10-27 00:24:43 贏埋…黑腸根本放水咁


穆斯林兄弟 2019-10-27 00:24:56
sigurros 2019-10-27 00:30:03 個心去咗深圳
TalkToMeGoose 2019-10-27 00:31:19 早一日飛去屌女
木木梟無咀吹簫 2019-10-27 00:32:34 唔打Paris?
林太史 2019-10-27 00:33:13 會唔會退埋巴黎
木木梟無咀吹簫 2019-10-27 00:33:24

Tinder出奇蛋 2019-10-27 00:59:26 搞掂
TalkToMeGoose 2019-10-27 01:02:24 ADM
木木梟無咀吹簫 2019-10-27 01:03:27 要食到pizza呀
木木梟無咀吹簫 2019-10-27 01:31:37 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4FTm69BeVb/?igshid=1pugjh8334gq4



林太史 2019-10-27 11:43:47 The general consensus amongst the players, both doubles and singles, is that the combination of court and balls at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Centre are playing slow. Pliskova described the conditions as being slower than the court in Singapore and Barty noted a lower bounce.

"It's a little bit of a similar surface to an indoor Fed Cup surface, where it's on boards, a little bit lower bouncing at times, can be a little bit unpredictable with how it reacts to spin," Barty said. "I think sometimes it can be up and down, a little bit different.

"But in saying that, it's a beautiful court. We've had a few days to prepare and get used to it. It's no different to any other time we need to give yourself a few days to get used to the court."
Mayuko 2019-10-27 17:32:01 此回覆已被刪除
Mayuko 2019-10-27 17:32:15 此回覆已被刪除
Mayuko 2019-10-27 17:43:31 此回覆已被刪除