(免費) 有冇人想學Excel formula, 或者想搵人幫手砌excel表
PeterStrange 2019-9-30 18:10:41 係唔係大家都罷哂工所以冇人入post



陳平安 2019-9-30 18:22:54 想問下向下拉既問題,用ctrl+shift+下制 可以拉到底。咁我第2行用vlookup 有冇快捷鍵可以拉番去第一行既長度。 唔想hold住隻滑鼠一直拉
PeterStrange 2019-9-30 18:25:52 係你想拉果格既右下角double click就得
陳平安 2019-9-30 18:30:08 唔該曬
PeterStrange 2019-9-30 19:06:58
今日買咸書八折 2019-10-1 00:08:48 你要嘅應該係 F8

揀第一點,㩒F8,再飛去第一行 (㩒乜都得,e.g.Ctrl上下左右),揀第二點,再㩒F8,搞掂。
PeterStrange 2019-10-1 01:17:13
PeterStrange 2019-10-1 02:28:28 發覺好多人add 我tg hi 完一句就唔出聲
sdvsvsdav 2019-10-1 17:14:09
this is another way using array formula, however, using pivot table is easier and can get rid of the slow array formula
sdvsvsdav 2019-10-1 17:34:50
this is also array formula. Btw, you can use pivot table plus slicer like this
Black_mirror 2019-10-1 17:45:38 此回覆已被刪除


sdvsvsdav 2019-10-1 17:47:21 no
this is a new formula in Office 365 / 2019
Black_mirror 2019-10-1 19:56:39 此回覆已被刪除
PeterStrange 2019-10-1 22:32:57 原來excel終於有一個可以砌得埋array既formula
PeterStrange 2019-10-2 08:39:28
PeterStrange 2019-10-2 10:02:26
PeterStrange 2019-10-2 11:54:11
PeterStrange 2019-10-2 12:38:43
PeterStrange 2019-10-2 14:56:57 好悶
PeterStrange 2019-10-2 16:58:05
sdvsvsdav 2019-10-2 21:27:34 i think concatenate() can do similar things without delimiter.

google sheet provides textjoin() as well, in addition to a lot of useful functions that Excel currently does not support e.g. Query(), sort(), filter(), etc.


sdvsvsdav 2019-10-2 21:32:15 F2 and then control + shift + left arrow and then control C

that's is the fastest way I know so far
sdvsvsdav 2019-10-2 21:36:35 vlookup is slightly faster than index + match
according to this

I personally love using vlookup as it is usually syntactically shorter.
sdvsvsdav 2019-10-2 21:58:41 alt + e + s
alt + a + e
shift + space
control + space
control + a
I use them all the time
PeterStrange 2019-10-2 22:17:04 同一個match case 之下只return 一個數就係
多過一個既話將match result save 低就會明顯快過vlookup
return 多過一個數