刻警必誅 2019-9-20 09:46:46


荷蘭凡 2019-9-20 09:55:26 個網都冇埋
余膠粉 2019-9-20 09:58:51 提出合理懷疑都唔得
巴膠布 2019-9-20 10:01:04 我十分感謝及高度表揚三位消防員維護了我的公眾知情權,並讉責消防處因此而對該些消防員所展開的紀律聆訊,根本就是踐踏公眾利益,促請消防處立即停止有關聆訊以釋除公眾疑慮.
I am very grateful and highly commended that the three firemen have upheld my public right to know and have been blaming the Fire Services Department for the disciplinary hearing of the firemen. It is simply trampling on the public interest and urges the Fire Services Department to stop the hearing immediately to release public concerns.
圓方十里 2019-9-20 10:02:02
我愛菊姐 2019-9-20 10:04:39 痴左線
原來有你 2019-9-20 10:06:00 推啊
柒頭皮88 2019-9-20 10:06:14 係,工就冇硬嫁啦,不如幫佢地唔好被消失好過
滿天柏樹 2019-9-20 10:07:29 此回覆已被刪除
笑改變一生 2019-9-20 10:08:00 出記者會把9咩 料都爆左
江sir飲水 2019-9-20 10:08:13 我十分感謝及高度表揚三位消防員維護了我的公眾知情權,並讉責消防處因此而對該些消防員所展開的紀律聆訊,根本就是踐踏公眾利益,促請消防處立即停止有關聆訊以釋除公眾疑慮.
I am very grateful and highly commended that the three firemen have upheld my public right to know and have been blaming the Fire Services Department for the disciplinary hearing of the firemen. It is simply trampling on the public interest and urges the Fire Services Department to stop the hearing immediately to release public concerns.


氯聯苯毒 2019-9-20 10:14:28 我十分感謝及高度表揚三位消防員維護了我的公眾知情權,並讉責消防處因此而對該些消防員所展開的紀律聆訊,根本就是踐踏公眾利益,促請消防處立即停止有關聆訊以釋除公眾疑慮.
芝芝不倦 2019-9-20 10:15:27 pish
淚眼路卡 2019-9-20 10:28:16 推呀
我愛港男 2019-9-20 10:31:43 屌佢老母成班仆街又廢既高層
沙嗲牛麵凍鴦 2019-9-20 10:33:05 如果唔關注 煲大佢
薑蔥仔 2019-9-20 10:34:57
朱古力奶昔 2019-9-20 10:35:28 push
我他媽相信你 2019-9-20 10:36:07 pish
朱古力奶昔 2019-9-20 10:36:48 tui
好頭痛 2019-9-20 10:38:17


九唔搭八囉 2019-9-20 10:40:22 貼下個聲明支持下良心消防
死港女 2019-9-20 10:46:29
朱古力奶昔 2019-9-20 11:01:25 我十分感謝及高度表揚三位消防員維護了我的公眾知情權,並讉責消防處因此而對該些消防員所展開的紀律聆訊,根本就是踐踏公眾利益,促請消防處立即停止有關聆訊以釋除公眾疑慮.
I am very grateful and highly commended that the three firemen have upheld my public right to know and have been blaming the Fire Services Department for the disciplinary hearing of the firemen. It is simply trampling on the public interest and urges the Fire Services Department to stop the hearing immediately to release public concerns.
八奇思考領域 2019-9-20 11:12:16 陳慶勇證實確實有人致電確認位置,稱已就內部文件外洩,及未經授權發放資料展開紀律調查。他又指有關行為屬違紀行為,消防處有責任進行調查


如果大家想幫手就請正皮我呢個回覆並複製我下面個聲明黎回覆,越多回覆越好.only number say the words.

I am very grateful and highly commended that the three firemen have upheld my public right to know and have been blaming the Fire Services Department for the disciplinary hearing of the firemen. It is simply trampling on the public interest and urges the Fire Services Department to stop the hearing immediately to release public concerns.