哪裡尋找意義 2019-9-20 01:25:08


九唔搭八囉 2019-9-20 01:25:10 其實我都唔知點做好啲,淨係諗到要咁做,就做住先.其實個政府都好睇連登做野,都唔使真係去信,去信佢都可以唔理,呢度無得唔理,因為全世界都睇到.咪問住先啦,覆#491貼左聲明先啦
街市買小食 2019-9-20 01:26:29 我十分感謝及高度表揚三位消防員維護了我的公眾知情權,並讉責消防處因此而對該些消防員所展開的紀律聆訊,根本就是踐踏公眾利益,促請消防處立即停止有關聆訊以釋除公眾疑慮.
I am very grateful and highly commended that the three firemen have upheld my public right to know and have been blaming the Fire Services Department for the disciplinary hearing of the firemen. It is simply trampling on the public interest and urges the Fire Services Department to stop the hearing immediately to release public concerns.
明禎探餓男 2019-9-20 01:27:32 我十分感謝及高度表揚三位消防員維護了我的公眾知情權,並讉責消防處因此而對該些消防員所展開的紀律聆訊,根本就是踐踏公眾利益,促請消防處立即停止有關聆訊以釋除公眾疑慮.
I am very grateful and highly commended that the three firemen have upheld my public right to know and have been blaming the Fire Services Department for the disciplinary hearing of the firemen. It is simply trampling on the public interest and urges the Fire Services Department to stop the hearing immediately to release public concerns.
盧大總統 2019-9-20 01:29:25
黑仔小妹 2019-9-20 01:30:06 求求消防唔好同流合污
糧尾零 2019-9-20 01:30:48 我十分感謝及高度表揚三位消防員維護了我的公眾知情權,並讉責消防處因此而對該些消防員所展開的紀律聆訊,根本就是踐踏公眾利益,促請消防處立即停止有關聆訊以釋除公眾疑慮.
I am very grateful and highly commended that the three firemen have upheld my public right to know and have been blaming the Fire Services Department for the disciplinary hearing of the firemen. It is simply trampling on the public interest and urges the Fire Services Department to stop the hearing immediately to release public concerns.

2DA6 2019-9-20 01:32:04
心彷彿早已離地 2019-9-20 01:35:34 身邊識既表哥係唯一一個識既消防員,都係藍,我屌
若無其事的蘋果 2019-9-20 01:37:20 push
九唔搭八囉 2019-9-20 01:39:11 點寫好?文筆唔好,呢度就可以隨便寫,正式書信有啲淆


AI 2019-9-20 01:40:46 push
襪能爺 2019-9-20 01:41:05 唔可以被清算
糧尾零 2019-9-20 01:41:43 其實我覺得呢篇個tone都ok

淚眼路卡 2019-9-20 01:43:46 推呀
守形 2019-9-20 01:46:10
金城武大郎 2019-9-20 01:46:21
猋鱻麤毳 2019-9-20 01:47:34 push
九唔搭八囉 2019-9-20 01:47:42 梗係唔得啦
巴克利死全家 2019-9-20 01:48:01 Dllm
浪漫的巴士河 2019-9-20 01:48:52


薯蛋頭婆婆 2019-9-20 01:50:35
一名中年大叔 2019-9-20 01:53:10
響鬼 2019-9-20 01:54:22 有我地唔怕 我地香港人唔會俾你捱餓
柴大法師 2019-9-20 01:55:24 我十分感謝及高度表揚三位消防員維護了我的公眾知情權,並讉責消防處因此而對該些消防員所展開的紀律聆訊,根本就是踐踏公眾利益,促請消防處立即停止有關聆訊以釋除公眾疑慮.
I am very grateful and highly commended that the three firemen have upheld my public right to know and have been blaming the Fire Services Department for the disciplinary hearing of the firemen. It is simply trampling on the public interest and urges the Fire Services Department to stop the hearing immediately to release public concerns.