月球裡的人 2019-9-20 01:16:24


shadowoftheday 2019-9-20 01:16:28 推!!
Xfyjbda 2019-9-20 01:16:47 我十分感謝及高度表揚三位消防員維護了我的公眾知情權,並讉責消防處因此而對該些消防員所展開的紀律聆訊,根本就是踐踏公眾利益,促請消防處立即停止有關聆訊以釋除公眾疑慮.
I am very grateful and highly commended that the three firemen have upheld my public right to know and have been blaming the Fire Services Department for the disciplinary hearing of the firemen. It is simply trampling on the public interest and urges the Fire Services Department to stop the hearing immediately to release public concerns.
笑笑小喇叭 2019-9-20 01:16:49 此回覆已被刪除
九唔搭八囉 2019-9-20 01:17:10 睇睇#491果層,唔該.
九唔搭八囉 2019-9-20 01:17:23 睇睇#491果層,唔該.
毛人毛 2019-9-20 01:17:30 咁落去香港好快無曬公義變成大陸咁
HKGM 2019-9-20 01:17:50
情意相投 2019-9-20 01:18:32 根本消防頂部都要清算啦
不屈的咪咪 2019-9-20 01:19:20 睇左佢段發真心正...臨尾講autonomy
39saku 2019-9-20 01:19:28 推呀


中環廢青 2019-9-20 01:19:47 Push
明禎探餓男 2019-9-20 01:19:56 係咪應該po去消防署,或直接寫信俾消防署。
桌球手 2019-9-20 01:20:02 正仆街
Fuck u
九唔搭八囉 2019-9-20 01:20:10 周圍搵人過黎貼聲明,越多人幫手貼聲明,貼到消防處話唔調查為止囉
Sky_Croc 2019-9-20 01:20:44 [白色恐怖]三正義消防員慘被清算
#491 回覆 - 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
Todd 2019-9-20 01:20:58
貉金地 2019-9-20 01:21:10
省港澳拳王 2019-9-20 01:21:22
Sky_Croc 2019-9-20 01:21:36 第一頁太多宣傳廣告la
便利店售貨員 2019-9-20 01:22:13


山風與 2019-9-20 01:22:15
社會的失敗者 2019-9-20 01:23:05
利物浦(壞左) 2019-9-20 01:23:24 我十分感謝及高度表揚三位消防員維護了我的公眾知情權,並讉責消防處因此而對該些消防員所展開的紀律聆訊,根本就是踐踏公眾利益,促請消防處立即停止有關聆訊以釋除公眾疑慮.
I am very grateful and highly commended that the three firemen have upheld my public right to know and have been blaming the Fire Services Department for the disciplinary hearing of the firemen. It is simply trampling on the public interest and urges the Fire Services Department to stop the hearing immediately to release public concerns.
仙女下凡快下跪 2019-9-20 01:24:34