格鬥士(遠攻) 2019-9-20 00:05:23 多謝攬炒巴


白藝潾 2019-9-20 00:06:12 此回覆已被刪除
春袋了無痕 2019-9-20 00:08:05 收到!通知持加拿大護照朋友登記做選民!
狗油香 2019-9-20 00:08:13

madagascar 2019-9-20 00:08:54 攬炒巴
AforApple 2019-9-20 00:09:54 公義唔係錢可以買!
Fate 2019-9-20 00:10:04 我愛攬炒!
Happy_Potter 2019-9-20 00:10:04 推!!
圍牆倒下 2019-9-20 00:11:04 推推推!召喚所有加藉香港人!
Aurum79 2019-9-20 00:11:59 What eligibility criteria must be met to be on the International Register of Electors?

To be on the International Register of Electors, you must:
1. be a Canadian citizen and at least 18 years old on polling day
2. have lived in Canada at some point in your life

What type of ID do I need to apply?
You must provide a copy of one of the following pieces of ID with your application:
pages 2 and 3 of your Canadian passport
your Canadian citizenship certificate or card
your birth certificate, showing that you were born in Canada
You do not have to provide proof of address.


Voter Registration:
楓葉國逃兵 2019-9-20 00:12:05 我已經準備好



iVanboy 2019-9-20 00:12:19
香港人講廣東話 2019-9-20 00:12:42
小熊維尼搞你後面 2019-9-20 00:13:53 攪抄爸
我要攬炒 2019-9-20 00:15:28
電車痴漢 2019-9-20 00:17:57 支持
空肚飲咖啡 2019-9-20 00:18:21 加拿大用唔用華為鋪5G網絡,係視乎今次大選結果
bluejay 2019-9-20 00:18:38 香港加拿大人,行動嘞!
get the special ballot kit BA Elections Canada and return by mail, kick out 親中 liberal party
我愛叶聞賓 2019-9-20 00:20:19 pish
食辣會頭痕 2019-9-20 00:20:29 張圖好正
Linden偵探 2019-9-20 00:22:49 此回覆已被刪除


Feel_the_Bern 2019-9-20 00:23:13 Give them Hell, 攬炒巴。
我佛你鹵味 2019-9-20 00:23:25 30萬票固然有佢嘅力量,不過我覺得可以以呢件事另外帶多個信息比加拿大政府,近年多咗大陸人移民加拿大,但根據最近資訊所得,好多呢啲人似乎都不是真正忠於新國,反而依舊極迷戀故国中国,隨住佢地數量日多,假以時日,佢地亦會同呢個30萬票情況一樣,可以投出一位親中議員代表,跟住就會多咗啲親中政策,移民人數再增,一兩三代落去甚至有機會影響選總理,其實呢樣唔係新鮮事,大家都知中国不嬲都想用人海移民惡意入侵西方國家,不過可能有啲西方國家太相信人性同自己國家教育,會唔為意中国人數千年深入骨髓嘅所謂血脈同奴性,最終真係有機會俾大陸反吞,所以一定要更謹慎審批尤其係中国移民,唔好以為佢哋帶錢帶人入來,分分鐘食埋你都唔定。
食飽想屙屎 2019-9-20 00:23:30
腸仔最好食 2019-9-20 00:23:36