音道 2020-1-29 20:19:42 士多啤梨 3kg
牌子international protein


夢遊專家 2020-1-29 21:17:41 今日bc$490入手

我愛一碌葛 2020-1-31 21:40:30 此回覆已被刪除
音道 2020-1-31 21:56:47 可以 其實睇你一日總吸收
ldobl 2020-1-31 22:00:53 訂咗mp whey 十幾日都未送到
花心熊貓 2020-1-31 22:02:39 擺耐咗個樽就臭
花家スナイプ大我 2020-1-31 22:11:28 Mars真係好飲到我寧願每個月比貴啲
弄潮兒 2020-2-4 14:25:38 想請問有無人有食multivitamin? 請問有無邊隻推薦? 謝謝
沈默就被人當契弟 2020-2-4 14:29:43 飲緊my protein lm

加一三加二 2020-2-5 00:09:19 邊隻味最正?
魚蛋麵 2020-2-5 00:48:55 幾錢


有咩味道 冇伏


花家スナイプ大我 2020-2-5 08:10:26 台式奶茶 蜂蜜牛奶
花心熊貓 2020-2-5 10:29:22 10蚊一serving真係卻步
多佛郎明哥 2020-2-5 16:03:53 好唔好飲?
HKo1 2020-2-5 16:20:16
prokofiev 2020-2-5 18:28:35 I had my personal training session this morning and my vest was soaking wet so I soaked in an onsen afterwards. The gym is situated beside the onsen where you can see the inside of the gym clearly. I saw a slender guy lift a very light two oiund dumbell for all he was worth but still couldn't complete the exercise lol. I enjoy hitting the gym and I know my personal trainer is worth her salt because I'm making good progress with my physique. My personal trainer is a vivacious, in-your-face woman who is sometimes too honest for her own good.
迷茫少年 2020-2-5 19:22:52 新手一問,呢類飲品 係唔係可以當一餐?
花心熊貓 2020-2-5 19:25:18 唔可以
睇肉小寶寶 2020-2-5 21:45:44 My protein 嘅蛋白粉其實好冇?
目黑乂 2020-2-5 21:47:53 請問 飲左唔夠一星期 生咗兩粒 石頭瘡
除咗飲多D水 仲可以點解決
夢遊專家 2020-2-5 23:22:58 我淨係飲過scitec藍罐 依隻正常 係淡d


夢遊專家 2020-2-5 23:23:25
sogan111 2020-2-5 23:24:35 笑左,BCAA 都有GIN AND TONIC
花心熊貓 2020-2-6 10:09:30 都係蛋白質姐
唔同牌子分別係價錢 味道 營養(糖 protein carbs per serving)
prokofiev 2020-2-6 17:43:37 I had my personal training session in pure fitness this afternoon and was soaking wet so i soaked in a jacuzzi tub afterwards. The gym is situated beside the jacuzzi where you can see the inside of the gym clearly. I saw a slim guy lift a light two pound dumbbell for all he was worth but still couldn't complete the exercise lol. I enjoy hitting the gym and I know my personal trainer is worth her salt as I'm making good progress with my physique. She's a vivacious in-your-face woman who's sometimes too honest for her own good.