弟弟正野喎 2019-9-17 22:41:49 有提過國泰


達喇Lava 2019-9-17 22:41:49 UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE !!!
屯門公園 2019-9-17 22:41:49
唔開 2019-9-17 22:41:50
我凍呀 2019-9-17 22:41:50 有講
鼻敏感慘過食屎 2019-9-17 22:41:50 輪流全方位指出中共點污染呢個世界
澳洲打飛機師 2019-9-17 22:41:50 sir, this way
Yoman! 2019-9-17 22:41:51 Sunny Cheung: Spokesperson, Hong Kong Higher Education International Affairs Delegation (HKIAD)
醉愛東尼 2019-9-17 22:41:52 應該係
主教 2019-9-17 22:41:52 Sunny Cheung邊位

海龜先生 2019-9-17 22:41:54 咁當然



凍華田走精 2019-9-17 22:41:55 我知
大埔和你飛 2019-9-17 22:41:56 nah fam, she got a HKG accent although not strong, but wouldn't say good.
マリーゴールド 2019-9-17 22:41:56 My name is Sunny Cheung. I am the spokesperson of the Hong Kong Higher Institutions International Affairs Delegation (HKIAD), a group which represents over 100,000 students from all students’ unions in Hong Kong. We aim to garner international support through raising concerns and awareness with the international community. Our mission is to mobilise support for the US Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019. In August, we held a peaceful rally in central Hong Kong in August. Over 60,000 people attended to communicate their support for the Act. Currently, we are deeply involved in organising a large-scale class boycott to put pressure on the government.
榮華月餅 2019-9-17 22:42:01 有提
支那快撚啲滅亡 2019-9-17 22:42:03 事實係,美國認第二,冇邊個敢認第一
Pokemon新手 2019-9-17 22:42:05 hocc有提國泰
liverpool 2019-9-17 22:42:06 hku ?
太誠實使用電腦 2019-9-17 22:42:07 Hocc講既係感性一面 感動好多
花式曬卡 2019-9-17 22:42:08 HOCC一路都扣住普世價值,聰明
水杯 2019-9-17 22:42:09 Hocc好似講左


無止境的冗 2019-9-17 22:42:09
小碎步 2019-9-17 22:42:09 此回覆已被刪除
zacefron 2019-9-17 22:42:10 條tie hku
朴志效(未分手) 2019-9-17 22:42:10 張崑陽