被自殺證據確鑿 有人已經幫我地fact check咗
98190979星火同盟 2019-9-17 19:37:48 [文宣] 香港黑社會肆虐 警隊無力打擊 百年聲譽頹門敗瓦
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區


也媽嗲 2019-9-17 19:38:07 CNN 想搵人訪問
訪問可以匿名,遮樣,變聲 (電視用)或者透過電話/email/TG/WhatsApp (文章用)
可聯絡 Rebecca @bextables (佢會俾記者證你睇,確認身份)

CNN is interested in talking to anyone (on or off the record) who has been held in or has seen the Sun Uk Lin detention center. Also, we are hoping to find the families or friends of the young protesters currently being held in juvenile detention centres. For a TV and digital piece. 100% anonymous/unidentified interviews are fine. Please contact Rebecca @bextables (she will show you her press ID for security)



54芬 2019-9-17 19:39:06 推 黑警殺人
ABeautifulMess 2019-9-17 19:41:25 push
ABeautifulMess 2019-9-17 19:41:35 push
百德臣 2019-9-17 19:41:45
港獨狗 2019-9-17 19:42:10 推!!
birdy 2019-9-17 19:43:23
倔強柴犬 2019-9-17 19:44:08
倔強柴犬 2019-9-17 19:45:17
金日誠哈哈 2019-9-17 19:45:18 Push


Casemiro14 2019-9-17 19:45:47 驗屍報告會唔會有幫助
明日花昨日已開. 2019-9-17 19:46:11
月京舞黎 2019-9-17 19:46:26 此回覆已被刪除
沉淪獨海 2019-9-17 19:46:57
M到小飛飛 2019-9-17 19:47:10
可樂果 2019-9-17 19:47:23
臭西吽肉腸 2019-9-17 19:47:35 Push
B+W 2019-9-17 19:48:13 瘋狂推到黑警死全家
智能燈神 2019-9-17 19:49:18
毋忘69 2019-9-17 19:50:09


發夢見到 2019-9-17 19:50:16
BTGENTLE 2019-9-17 19:51:41 推!
你啊媽個波罩我 2019-9-17 19:51:42 推推推
LuccaQuinn 2019-9-17 19:51:49 此回覆已被刪除