[沖繩] 帶住一家去藍旅行宮古島
アンデルウオ 2019-11-6 15:17:05 佢地頂唔頂得住呀,咁多人。本身酒店都好貴


アンデルウオ 2019-11-6 15:17:52 唔會
連登旅遊台台長 2019-11-6 15:58:55 我見其他連登遊記無咁慘烈
アンデルウオ 2019-11-6 16:15:59 可能啲人憎我掛
IMAX 2019-11-6 17:00:27 因為一家藍
連登旅遊台台長 2019-11-6 17:10:18 我諗緊 去藍旅行係up mud 9



アンデルウオ 2019-11-6 17:55:56 打錯字
IMAX 2019-11-6 18:18:26 其實你標題想打咩

アンデルウオ 2019-11-6 18:33:36
吳幸美麗華 2019-11-6 18:55:47 咁出年要快快手去埋 宮古島
アンデルウオ 2019-11-6 20:49:08 而家都有魔之星期三


吳幸美麗華 2019-11-6 20:52:26 咁要星期五去 星期二返
アンデルウオ 2019-11-6 20:54:15 我就係呢個pattern
岸久舞若衣 2019-11-6 20:58:17 因為星期三有郵輪埋岸?
アンデルウオ 2019-11-6 21:05:46 《下地島探險 ─ Area 17》

Area 17 就係係下地島機場跑道尾,淨係潮退先會有既期間限定沙灘。因為佢潮漲會浸曬既關係,所以佢既沙係勁幼。













アンデルウオ 2019-11-6 21:06:20 係呀,魔之星期三。其實星期一都有
岸久舞若衣 2019-11-6 23:12:36 中哂星期一星期三
Alice 2019-11-7 14:40:42 唉我12月25到,星期三
岸久舞若衣 2019-11-21 20:54:22 上網睇返近期啲台灣人遊記,星期一、二、四、五都有郵輪埋岸
アンデルウオ 2019-11-21 22:25:00 而家仲有魔之星期三

btw 等社會好返少少先繼續出文
prokofiev 2019-11-21 22:31:42 傳說中的兔子天堂


但其實島內, 不是每隻兔子都活得開心和長壽,雖然沒有捕食者(predator)威脅,但很多有病, 沒有足夠糧食和營養, 所以兔迷下次去最好帶乾草(Timothy Hay, Oat Hay, Orchard Hay等)和蔬菜🥬。給牠們最基本的高纖維糧食。不要給高糖份和零食, 例如:蘿蔔、水果。





資訊來源: http://language.rabbitspeak.com/alas-woe-is-me


prokofiev 2019-11-22 13:07:27 it's a fair bet that the yen will continue falling in the next five weeks so you might as well go to Japan on vacation. If so I heartily recommend taking the Airport Express in IFC. It's very easy. Once you're at the ifc exit where you can head straight for Queens road central, enter ifc, go past the escalator in front of you and keep going until you come to another escalator. Go down it, turn left and go straight ahead. It's there. If you wanna travel to Shinjuku from okinawa station go through the gate, go down the escalator and look at the sign. You'll see whjcg side is bound for Shibjuku. If you wanna have a coffee at J.Cafe take the elevator to level five, walk straight down the path and pass several shops until you come to an intersection. Tirn right and it's there. If you wanna take the lift to a higher floor turn left at the intersection and pass several shops until you see pure fitness on your left. Enter pure fitness and the lift is there. However if you ask me if Australia is a great place to visit I wouldn't bet on it. There's nothing worth doing there. I enjoy visiting the annual winter carnival on Christmas day where I ride the roller coasters and eat sushi soaking up the nice christmassy atmosphere. The sunlight has been dazzlingly hot so you may just as well have a good long soak in an outdoor onsen soaking up the sun. I thoroughly recommend climbing Mount Fuji which is completely off the beaten track, even though you aren't staying in Tokyo because the extra cost of traveling there is offset by the falling admission fee. It's an arduous climb but the view is worth it. In fact my friend who's been there showed me his photos by which I was awestruck. He said it was well worth it for the view and the confidence that he had gained afterwards. At night even though one of the nearby lakes dries up the remaining lakes reflect the beauty of the stars and Mount Fuji giving a double view of the starry sky and the mountains. The outline of Mount Fuji is sharply defined against the starry nights by which i was awestruck. you can even pitch camp there to get the best of the night sky.Sometimes it's nice to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Again the cheap admission charge offsets the rising transportation fee so it's definitely worth a visit. I work in Hotel JAP Okinawa. My sister came to stay for a few nights as company for me while my colleagues are away. (when I'm in a hotel room I usually have the television on for company until I go to sleep) My friend Alex has received a commission for a sculpture, a sketch, an oil painting and an article on picasso from the hotel. Let me offer him my congratulations for having accepted a commission to make a sculpture, do a sketch, paint an oil painting and write an article on picasso since it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I've always admired the exquisite colors of oil paintings be it a portrait or landscape. His palette consists of blues greens and browns whereas his former classmate who's also a painter paints from a palette consisting of oranges reds and whites. A palette, a set of paintbrushes and paints normally cost around six hundred and eighty dollars altogether. A colleague of mine whose recently been promoted and assigned to the Osaka office with which she's really pleased. I'm very pleased about her promotion too. If you happen to be staying in the aforementioned hotel please remember the following as I work there: First of all before washing your clothes please remove coins and tissue from the pockets and put only seventy percent of the dirty clothes in the wash tub. This will ensure your clothes to get evenly clean and the machine will less likely be out of order. Please towel the drum off after each use so as not to cause mould or mildew to grow in the drum. Second please don't set the air conditioner up to more than twenty five degrees celcius. Otherwise it won't blow cold air and will smell bad.
prokofiev 2019-11-22 13:45:57 Third after cleaning the tables and toilet please rinse a cloth or handkerchief and wipe them again so as not to cause discoloration. Lastly please don't nail or stick anything to the wall as the paint will peel. Finally enjoy your time in Okinawa. I remember seeing a baseball championship at Tokohama Stadoum where I put a bet on the result of the match. I bet heavily on Osaka team. I remember the two guys sitting beside me were also placing bets on which team would win. I said "I bet you one hundred forty eight thousand eight hundred yen that osaka will win" and it really happened. It was unforgettable. Though baseball isn't popular in Hong Kong an increase in the promotion and marketing of the sport is offering this issue. After the match I signed at a ramen restaurant nearby.I remember the table was sticky maybe because the staff forgot to wipe it up so I asked them to wipe it up. Later I spilt a bowl of miso soup all over the table as well as down my toe on my shirt so I had to wipe up the spilled soup. I had a friendly chat with a lady sitting at the nearby table who told me in centuries past a whole village was wiped out by a catastrophic earthquake. Fascinating. When I finished my meal I wiped my mouth on my sleeve lol and a few pieces of tissue. I remember a decade ago there was a protest in Okinawa where the police clashed with the protestors. I saw it on NHK then. I thought the police weren't tough enough. All the riot police were holding a shield in one hand and a truncheon in the other hand. In this way you can't really fight the demonstrators and arrest them since you have no free hands to grab ahold of them. That's why it took four policemen to get hold of one protestor. From a fighting viewpoint some of the police should be holding just a shield, some just a nightstick, the other both. And all of them should be trained as to how they fight when they're holding just a shield, holding just a baton and holding both. It was utter chaos. I didn't think okinawa had ever been so disastrous before. The police who I wholeheartedly supported only used tear smoke in an attempt to drive the protestors away which.was closely not enough.The police shouldn't have been afraid of being criticized for using excessive force because it was utterly not the case. Firing rubber bullets and bean bags at the demonstrators was necessary, lawful and appropriate. Those who sabotaged the nearby buildings and the railings should've been thrown in jail. The train network was partially paralyzed for many weeks. The world had brought the city to the edge of a catastrophe. The United states had already imposed trade sanctions on Japan. The then united states president said he would take punitive action if the police there used excessive force. Japan was afraid that American would toughen punitive import duties still further on clothes, agricultural products, food and alcohol and worse still they would convince other nations to impose international economic sanctions against the country. Of course the downside was the costs of the products in America which they imposed punitive import tariffs on would rise still higher. The economic sanctions against the country wouldn't be lifted until the then united states president's presidency expired a year later. The next day everybody was.warned to stay away from the place be cause there would be violent clashes but it turned out to be a false alarm. There were half as many people on the street. However as long as you kept up with the news and stayed away from places where there were demonstrations it was safe in Okinawa. In the same evening a bus crash killed twenty passengers. Detectives assigned the blame for the accident to a hailstorm. I expressed my condolences to the families if the people who died in the accident- and then a brutal murder took place in the capital. Detectives assigned jealousy and hatred as the motives for the horrendous crime.
prokofiev 2019-11-23 12:05:34 I'll be glimg to Japan on vacation for Christmas. my brother went there during the summer holidays which satisfied his expectation.
アンデルウオ 2019-12-6 12:29:14 呢兩日出完佢