消息稱WhatsApp移除警報料熱線 警:正了解
狼王托迪10 2019-9-13 16:34:24 整得黎大家都送左中啦


airforce1 2019-9-13 16:34:40
沒有被煽惑的港豬 2019-9-13 16:34:41
泡沫花火 2019-9-13 16:34:49 啲廢老玩爛左
mojo 2019-9-13 16:35:06
口_口 2019-9-13 16:35:11
加藤英 2019-9-13 16:35:31 聽樓下順嫂講係俾人炸左
狂風掃浪蝶 2019-9-13 16:35:39 微博報料啦
雖人辯太GT 2019-9-13 16:35:51
到底要點做 2019-9-13 16:36:09 此回覆已被刪除
被聽見的寂靜老虎 2019-9-13 16:36:11 黑警就用we7啦


鳩up王 2019-9-13 16:36:48 WhatsApp 咁仆街
智多星巴克 2019-9-13 16:36:58 Legal and Acceptable Use. You must access and use our Services only for legal, authorized, and acceptable purposes. You will not use (or assist others in using) our Services in ways that: (a) violate, misappropriate, or infringe the rights of WhatsApp, our users, or others, including privacy, publicity, intellectual property, or other proprietary rights; (b) are illegal, obscene, defamatory, threatening, intimidating, harassing, hateful, racially, or ethnically offensive, or instigate or encourage conduct that would be illegal, or otherwise inappropriate, including promoting violent crimes; (c) involve publishing falsehoods, misrepresentations, or misleading statements; (d) impersonate someone; (e) involve sending illegal or impermissible communications such as bulk messaging, auto-messaging, auto-dialing, and the like; or (f) involve any non-personal use of our Services unless otherwise authorized by us.

好明顯違反咗 WHATSAPP 個 服務條款啦!
Kingnewzxc 2019-9-13 16:37:16 屌你今晚金鐘哀悼會冇人講???????
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
蝦仁炒蛋個炒蛋 2019-9-13 16:37:54 915 民陣遊行 齊上齊落

612 721 811 831cctv
Casemiro14 2019-9-13 16:38:05 垃圾帶頭犯法
智多星巴克 2019-9-13 16:38:10 個 Terms 仲要唔係跟香港法律,係加州法律!
Governing Law. The laws of the State of California govern our Terms, as well as any Disputes, whether in court or arbitration, which might arise between WhatsApp and you, without regard to conflict of law provisions.
DANTALION 2019-9-13 16:38:21 用WE7仲好玩, 大量圖片舉報
膠登仔 2019-9-13 16:38:31 抵死,愛國請用國貨
雞仔餅 2019-9-13 16:39:15 佢會唔會用telegram
J到用時方恨短 2019-9-13 16:39:21 此回覆已被刪除


私人密件 2019-9-13 16:40:09 支持WhatsApp
魚翅航空無女 2019-9-13 16:40:31 we柒係唔敢比狗狗用
韋拿踢法似我 2019-9-13 16:40:47
相良宗介 2019-9-13 16:40:54 敢開telegram應該死得仲快