騾神 2019-9-13 23:56:57


大米唔食細波 2019-9-13 23:57:58 嘩 咩事咩人十唔比入 咁誇張呢
藤木 2019-9-14 00:00:31 屌你老母
1825 2019-9-14 00:00:40 所謂「骨折」,新屋嶺重災區
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
凱風 2019-9-14 00:02:08 推爆
Best_friend_屎 2019-9-14 00:02:47 邊個最撚大
珍奶燉飯 2019-9-14 00:03:31 Pusu
1825 2019-9-14 00:05:42 Hong Kong justices of the peace denied entry to police detention centre where anti-government protesters were allegedly mistreated

Six justices of the peace wanted permission to visit San Uk Ling Holding Centre following allegations that arrested protesters were mistreated there

They were denied entry as police facilities were not included in the list of places they could visit

小連 2019-9-14 00:05:58
失業介紹所 2019-9-14 00:08:55 此回覆已被刪除
菠蘿包88 2019-9-14 00:12:34 試吓宗教人仕先啦,上次韓農都有神父去探望


香港人要頂住啊 2019-9-14 00:13:12 Pish
倉央嘉措 2019-9-14 00:14:57 有咩理由拒絕探訪?
馬桶中噴香水 2019-9-14 00:15:46 Pish
喂你未飲咳水呀 2019-9-14 00:15:58
香蕉紳土 2019-9-14 00:18:26 軍閥大撚晒
freesoul 2019-9-14 00:22:21 此回覆已被刪除
Tony_Shark 2019-9-14 00:23:37 新屋嶺集中營
碧水劍 2019-9-14 00:23:50 入面死傷幾多人 有幾多武警解放軍 所以唔比人入去係好合理
由下而上 2019-9-14 00:25:58 政府記者會要問下
三鋒 2019-9-14 00:26:22


九唔搭八囉 2019-9-14 00:31:21 打直衝入去,打橫抬出黎
7272019 2019-9-14 00:34:01 831
Saveourplace 2019-9-14 00:36:03 強烈懷疑入面全部武警 一個黑警都冇
港產大叔 2019-9-14 00:36:34 此回覆已被刪除