夜梨 2019-9-13 11:58:08 垃圾撚 廢物夠唔夠糧食飯啊 去含撚唱國歌拎100啦廢物 夠你食一個月垃圾啦


大衛迪迪仔 2019-9-13 12:00:15 https://t.me/hkstandstrong_promo_int

TG English Promo Channel
夜梨 2019-9-13 12:00:34 成版五毛 直接屌鳩班垃圾啦
萬母三千 2019-9-13 12:00:46 推呀
冷氣仔 2019-9-13 12:01:56 撐絲打
哦_ 2019-9-13 12:02:24

I urge you to share the fact that Chinese Communist Party is infamous for using racism as a mean to strengthen their political grip. The Chinese nationalism brainwashing is much less effective when it comes to people of different race and skin tones thus people who aren't Han Chinese are often being heavily censored and treated as inferior being. You can read more about how the Uighur and Tibetan are being oppressed in mainland China, not to mention how racist their state media and people are towards Black people. I can't imagine how the CCP would treat ethnic minority in Hong Kong any better.
冷氣仔 2019-9-13 12:02:44 可以開多條戰線
朗尼無限分邊 2019-9-13 12:03:53 好多南亞妹個“倫確”都好靚
冷氣仔 2019-9-13 12:04:30 利君雅都係南亞人,佢可以做女神,其他南亞人都可以幫手
禾要睇J圖 2019-9-13 12:04:58 push
冷氣仔 2019-9-13 12:05:45 巴打想溝?


師兄師姐 2019-9-13 12:06:05 Tui
朗尼無限分邊 2019-9-13 12:08:40 港女第一是常識吧
40好過你60AR 2019-9-13 12:09:36 你叫你老母垃圾撚牙? 生著你呢D冚家剷乞都冇得食,
就唔撚抵得人地有乜有物, 你叫你老母做天使餵下呢度D義士啦,
講撚明我係你老細咯, 正人打把冚家剷, 抵你唔死呀一世窮
MargotRobbie 2019-9-13 12:10:50 多謝絲打
老友蒸肉餅 2019-9-13 12:14:13 老實講經過今次革命真係對南亞改觀,有份出力既都係真香港人
彼得貓 2019-9-13 12:14:52 連登仔個個中上樣又會考30分加iq300,英文唔會難到我地,希望連仔開英文台
@@ 2019-9-13 12:15:18 push
口水堅 2019-9-13 12:16:20
大眼陸 2019-9-13 12:16:49 此回覆已被刪除
ItAcHi 2019-9-13 12:16:59


做人做狗自己決定 2019-9-13 12:17:32
JOY洙正BB 2019-9-13 12:18:38 女既搵返個港男
漢弗萊·阿普比 2019-9-13 12:19:35 此回覆已被刪除
人生五星星 2019-9-13 12:22:27 此回覆已被刪除