香港民族黨 2019-9-12 07:55:07 外國勢力聯盟 - FREEHKUSA
Post 1:https://lihkg.com/thread/1379329/page/1
Post 2: https://lihkg.com/thread/1459961/page/1

GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/g5zsk-hong-kong-supplies?sharetype=teams&member=2851858&rcid=r01-156824390963-cca56ee1c3764d56&pc=ot_co_campmgmt_w


We are a group of overseas Hongkongers who keep our hometown close to our hearts. Throughout the past three months of the anti-extradition bill struggle, we have witnessed the cruelty and brutality of the state, business, village elite, triads, and police. Countless numbers of our comrades have suffered casualties, paining us deeply and causing us great anxiety. But no matter how long this dark road may be, we will continue to stand with Hongkongers every step of the way out of these dire straits. This group was founded at the end of July to buy supplies for protesters in Hong Kong who continue to face unreasonable crackdowns by the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF).


October 1 is fast approaching. It is a date that has different meanings for different people—it celebrates the founding of the People’s Republic of China and it marks the anniversary of the Lamma Island Ferry Collision. We believe that October 1 will be a momentous day in the history of Hong Kong’s struggle. After our first two successes, we earnestly hope to continue to stand with Hongkongers. In anticipation of mass protest activities on PRC’s National Day, we hope to successfully purchase and ship supplies to Hong Kong before October 1. However, after our first two small fundraisers and purchasing large amounts of supplies, our funds have dried up. After discussions in our internal team, members unanimously agree that crowdfunding is our best solution at this moment and would also be an important step towards guaranteeing our long-term development.


Please find the records of our past two fundraisers and purchases attached. In publicizing this information transparently, we hope that you will entrust us with your donations and understand that we will never waste a single penny of Hongkongers. This is our guiding principle. We will also continue to purchase necessary supplies for front liners in Hong Kong until the struggle is victorious. The target for this fundraising campaign is $50000 USD. We hope that you will find it in your heart to give generously for Hong Kong’s future.


On another note, while we have special channels for transporting supplies securely and secretly to Hong Kong, the situation there continues to deteriorate in unpredictable ways. If we are not able to deliver supplies to Hong Kong effectively for whatever reason in the future, we will donate the all of remaining funds to Spark Alliance HK and 612 Humanitarian Relief Fund. Of course, we are committed to standing with Hongkongers until the end. We hope you will believe in the power of solidarity from overseas and join us in our effort.

Remember, it’s NOW or NEVER.







大家以後唔搵大家 2019-9-12 07:55:33 此回覆已被刪除
櫻花哈 2019-9-12 07:55:43 G持
9月1定911? 2019-9-12 07:55:45

出黎呀 自由閪!

五大訴求 缺一不可


香港民族黨 2019-9-12 07:56:07 “If you’re not ready to die for it, put the word ‘freedom’ out of your vocabulary.” — Malcolm X

‘’If someone puts their hands on you make sure they never put their hands on anybody else again.’’—Malcom X
櫻花哈 2019-9-12 07:56:46 我仲快過d bot
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bulubulu 2019-9-12 07:58:01
中出五十連 2019-9-12 07:58:13
咩料呀 2019-9-12 07:58:29 此回覆已被刪除
櫻花哈 2019-9-12 07:58:53 願榮光歸香港


香港民族黨 2019-9-12 07:59:31 當「開掛之達人」咩資料都籌到8萬USD 希望各位巴絲幫幫手推post
香港民族黨 2019-9-12 08:00:08 都無都籌到*
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