『薪火post』BNO續期資訊(60) 先睇頭POST同DOC後先問問題
無雀仔嘅腳仔 2019-9-13 10:17:18


改咩名好? 2019-9-13 10:19:13 好黑
本來今日派件 見到dhl寫住on hold
打去問原來英國request hold住
Allin 2019-9-13 10:20:16 29/8入queue既有無人已經approved
_臭B 2019-9-13 10:21:11 噚日5點approved
Q仔 2019-9-13 10:23:20 可以同時持有 BNO + BC 護照?
梅澤美波 2019-9-13 10:26:10 簽收完3日都未update算唔算正常現象
鬼二二 2019-9-13 10:27:04 不如直接問有冇人reject係衰副簽?
yff 2019-9-13 10:29:35 online填完form, 比埋錢, 但唔覺有份form要download落嚟簽 "付款後你可能需要下載一份PDF格式的文件。內含一張副署聲明書及幾頁關於相片規格和檢查清單的指引。"
身份証影印本, 舊BNO, 護照影印本, 稅單所有野已經準備好
無雀仔嘅腳仔 2019-9-13 10:31:23 俾完錢....之後登入查進度
怕事飲百事 2019-9-13 10:31:24 我都係9號到 , 又係未轉
yff 2019-9-13 10:33:16 出咗喱個msg, 以下d資料我都準備好哂

Applicant’s documents
Send the following:

old passport
a colour photocopy of both sides of your Hong Kong permanent identity card
full colour copy (every page including blank pages) of any current or expired passports from other countries that haven’t been cancelled

And 1 of the following from the last 12 months, that shows your name and address and/or residency:
letter from your employer
medical card
letter from your local council or a government department
voter’s card
visa or residence permit (a colour photocopy will do)
education record for example a school report
immigration documents


係咪痴線架? 2019-9-13 10:34:16
肥婆港女 2019-9-13 10:34:49 29 join q 仲未approve
無比膠 2019-9-13 10:36:15 此回覆已被刪除
係咪痴線架? 2019-9-13 10:36:27
係咪痴線架? 2019-9-13 10:40:52
許志安心穎 2019-9-13 11:05:13 我都係,冇dhl sms email
問左webchat, 淨係叫我等⋯⋯
unique_pi 2019-9-13 11:05:22
係咪痴線架? 2019-9-13 11:06:08
飛雄 2019-9-13 11:07:53
unique_pi 2019-9-13 11:10:42


Fusionbasket 2019-9-13 11:14:48
半仙 2019-9-13 11:14:56 尋日收到msg喇

半仙 2019-9-13 11:17:51 其實有咩好問,你又唔係急用
望我名識貨 2019-9-13 11:18:23 Your new passport is being sent to the address you gave us. You should receive it within 7 working days.
