真心, 篤灰熱線呢單野一定要推上國際,完全係現代文革
太古怪 2019-9-10 18:12:56 John Tse, Chief Superintendent of PPRB, announced in their press conference that violent incidents have escalated into a pressing issue, hence, 10 anti-violence hotlines will be launched for citizens to report violent or unjust events. Many are afraid that the ostensibly anti-violence hotlines is only a platform for pro-government citizens to leak information like pictures or social media posts of pro-democracy protesters to the police. It is ironic that the so-called anti-violence hotlines are perpetuating white terror, discouraging people to speak up and coercing people to get dis-associated with anything anti-government or anti-CCP. In fact, the union leader of Cathay Dragon, Rebecca Sy, was fired from her job after being questioned about her political stance by her boss. What’s even more ridiculous is that an official law-enforcing governmental department is publicly launching a platform and creating a way for pro-government citizens to snitch on people that are risking everything for democracy and people that the government and Beijing are trying so desperately to oppress and silence. This is blatant white terror, nothing more and nothing less.



珍珠美人魚 2019-9-10 18:12:57
高田健太 2019-9-10 18:13:08
誠逸樹喜69 2019-9-10 18:13:11
陶吉吉 2019-9-10 18:13:36 721831
撚貓專員 2019-9-10 18:13:40 用佢條熱線po老豆搵仔名單比佢
知道自己不知道 2019-9-10 18:13:50 我地自己要做野
eifaruju 2019-9-10 18:14:08 此回覆已被刪除
箭囊三百 2019-9-10 18:14:21 口罩跟身,做野時小心唔好俾藍絲影到全相
施素高食雪糕 2019-9-10 18:14:26 Push
廚房好 2019-9-10 18:14:33 中國行左十幾年都無被制裁啦


男權主義者 2019-9-10 18:14:34
可樂果 2019-9-10 18:14:41
Sunrise 2019-9-10 18:15:07
外向的毒撚 2019-9-10 18:15:08 成日都送彈藥係咪on9
香港建國籌委 2019-9-10 18:15:27 有種暴徒叫休班警察
kowloontong 2019-9-10 18:15:28
嘿呀嘿呀嘿 2019-9-10 18:15:33
Chargers 2019-9-10 18:15:48 whatsapp都冇得report架
雞仔餅 2019-9-10 18:16:00 中國式Nazi 開始苗頭
世界各國依家就應該行動 確保第3次世界大戰唔會發生
Chargers 2019-9-10 18:16:07


Summer 2019-9-10 18:16:13 push
若然屬實 2019-9-10 18:17:25 其實藍屍不嬲都有呢啲篤灰渠道 , 今次將佢官方化其實對佢地有咩好處 ?
飲緊奶茶 2019-9-10 18:17:30 915英領集會+民陣遊行
CJC 2019-9-10 18:17:33 本身feel到有班友已經開始冇乜出聲,但忽然又整呢啲嘢出嚟,嗰班人又可能走返出嚟,呢啲威脅自身自由嘅嘢,香港人最忌。