政府港鐵聯合記招 交代太子站8.31事件即時討論區
新桓波多野結衣 2019-9-10 13:04:35 開始答唔到 昇哥問得好


加菲貓 2019-9-10 13:04:53 請醫管局代表回答
好味花生醬 2019-9-10 13:04:55 跟據Data Privacy Ordinance Section 61(2):

如果就咁解讀既話,黨鐵係可以disclose CCTV 俾傳媒, given this is undoubtedly public interest. 唔存在私隱條例所以唔公開既説法


(1)Personal data held by a data user—
(a)whose business, or part of whose business, consists of a news activity; and
(b)solely for the purpose of that activity (or any directly related activity),
is exempt from the provisions of— (Amended 18 of 2012 s. 2)
(i)data protection principle 6 and sections 18(1)(b) and 38(i) unless and until the data is published or broadcast (wherever and by whatever means);
(ii)sections 36 and 38(b).
(2)Personal data is exempt from the provisions of data protection principle 3 in any case in which— (Amended 18 of 2012 s. 2)
(a)the use of the data consists of disclosing the data to a data user referred to in subsection (1); and
(b)such disclosure is made by a person who has reasonable grounds to believe (and reasonably believes) that the publishing or broadcasting (wherever and by whatever means) of the data (and whether or not it is published or broadcast) is in the public interest.
冇電的電芯 2019-9-10 13:04:57 昇哥問咩?
夏惠姨沙灘 2019-9-10 13:05:06 昇哥問得好
suppose 會mark 你受傷情況
職業毒撚 2019-9-10 13:05:15 俾同事問
KK_OVO 2019-9-10 13:05:17
加菲貓 2019-9-10 13:05:41 班狗要睇稿 冇稿應唔到
KongLui 2019-9-10 13:05:57 Sor 係冇公開
魯芬急轉彎 2019-9-10 13:06:02 真係當市民傻嫁咩
如果可以將條無事發生低清既影片修改到有事發生 要幾多資源同技術
海眠害害 2019-9-10 13:06:02 偷美心月餅又有得睇既


輕輕鬆鬆又一工 2019-9-10 13:06:35 有線
BFP 2019-9-10 13:06:38 此回覆已被刪除
夏惠姨沙灘 2019-9-10 13:06:48 月餅作為死物可以查
孤狗寒 2019-9-10 13:06:50





五大訴求 缺一不可

光復香港 時代革命

香港人 共勉之

一直是一個人 2019-9-10 13:06:55 有線
孤狗寒 2019-9-10 13:07:00





五大訴求 缺一不可

光復香港 時代革命

香港人 共勉之

加菲貓 2019-9-10 13:07:02 我係街,電視冇聲,請問佢問咩?
KongLui 2019-9-10 13:07:09 一日唔公開CCTV即係身有屎
Kenty 2019-9-10 13:08:23 我直頭睇都無與趣,佢地以為現在仲有人信呢班仆街?
如魚飲水 2019-9-10 13:08:30 此回覆已被刪除


急趕而來失望而回 2019-9-10 13:08:31 此回覆已被刪除
Ching一色 2019-9-10 13:08:39 推爆佢
厲害了! 2019-9-10 13:08:50 冇人問月餅cctv
BFP 2019-9-10 13:08:55 此回覆已被刪除