要求中國還清朝政府國債, 唔還就放棄香港統治, 入黎簽左佢
M.M.M. 2019-9-7 12:50:21 唔想比中共打港獨嘛


Metalist 2019-9-7 12:51:25
SherlockHolmes 2019-9-7 12:52:03 唯有賣左香港幫你還債啦
吳郭魚(爆mon) 2019-9-7 12:55:00 支那要狡辯的話 會用咩理據
黑色生命線 2019-9-7 12:55:02 此回覆已被刪除
廢青宅友 2019-9-7 12:55:46
Metalist 2019-9-7 12:57:52
Metalist 2019-9-7 12:58:19 唔小心quote咗
大家王 2019-9-7 12:59:09 此回覆已被刪除
思念漫太古 2019-9-7 13:00:29 此回覆已被刪除
電子雞蟲 2019-9-7 13:00:50 Signed, 推


Metalist 2019-9-7 13:02:26
永不訓教 2019-9-7 13:03:34
Metalist 2019-9-7 13:04:56
太太口綠液 2019-9-7 13:06:45 幫推
未爛未拆 咁樣入!
[制裁黨鐵] 低調跳閘方法 必定通關
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區








1. 抵制支持「邪惡」「無良」的商店,例如cctvb廣告、黨鐵商埸、黑社會、打壓員工的店鋪,減少淘寶、減少八達通
2. 安全情況下跳閘,免費搭港鐵
3. 夜晚十點吶喊!!!
4. 做運動,身體健康,鬥長命
4. 每日一個post,社交媒體戰(Twitter, IG, Facebook, Reddit) #HongKongProtest
#FreeHongKong #HongKongProtests #Chinazi
Twitter 共識頻道 https://t.me/twittermansyunzou
5. 不要說推,試著copy and paste呢段嘢
6. 保持獨立思考,分析能力level up,抵抗fake news/ rumour

1. 罷買Bye Buy Day:星期日、星期五(唔買非必需品)
2. 做孝子救港,關心下老母老豆老人家,自己老母自己救
3. 去連儂牆貼3張文宣

1. 出糧換美金、買美股
2. MPF都買美股
3. 搵多幾個人參與
或者做唔足,但我會堅持到尾,Best effort,你呢?
Version 2019.09.06
包皮包皮包2.0 2019-9-7 13:07:58 Petition Title: Request communist China government to redeem imperial dynasty xs bond

The Hukuang Railway bond was sold in 1911 to help fund construction of a rail line stretching from Hankou to Szechuan.
After regime established, china doesnxt recognize the debt, of course. A political regimes should inherit their predecessorsx rights and obligations

Hong Kong ruled under communist China since 1997, but not Taiwan China. It exercise its rights under legal principle. At the same time, it should also admit and inherit the predecessorsx debt

US should put enforcement on communist China government, they are practical and legal:
Freeze Chinaxs holding US national debt as a compensation or at least, Block China selling new debt in international markets if China government refuses to redeem
Or China government could give up the rule on HK to deny its successor xs legitimacy.

Metalist 2019-9-7 13:08:36
森林中發現寶 2019-9-7 13:09:17 Signed
lonzo.ball 2019-9-7 13:11:42 此回覆已被刪除
Uni_ama 2019-9-7 13:14:43 點解唔計我嘅
算 可能系統跟唔上掛
Metalist 2019-9-7 13:17:55


Metalist 2019-9-7 13:24:29
85230624700 2019-9-7 13:28:32 已簽,現時5355
Metalist 2019-9-7 13:29:42
マリーゴールド 2019-9-7 13:30:26 Pish