見到林鄭肯讓步 我真係喊咗出嚟
大邪神 2019-9-4 22:09:01


倒數2047 2019-9-4 22:09:48
道理係你到 2019-9-4 22:10:19 只有五大訴求
連登女神 2019-9-4 22:11:53 五大訴求 缺一不可!
青瓜味薯片 2019-9-4 22:15:35 唔好搭地鐵
唉唔知 2019-9-4 22:15:38 推啊
唔洗錫住我痛 2019-9-4 22:15:58 放心 撤唔撤我已經唔放在眼內

一係就做哂五樣 少一樣訴求都攬炒
妮妮的兔兔 2019-9-4 22:16:48 唔會忘記!唔會原諒!
新ac 2019-9-4 22:17:47 借位推post
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
DirkNowitzki 2019-9-4 22:19:30 唔好傻啦
2019-9-4 22:21:37 借個位搵野

係一張 屠龍小隊既logo
我記得有幾隻龍仔xx 眼


鼻歌窿無肉 2019-9-4 22:26:36 一定唔會再比港共得逞
執屎達人 2019-9-4 22:27:01 五大訴求 缺一不可
正義服務員 2019-9-4 22:34:05 此回覆已被刪除
請修改 2019-9-4 22:36:25
咪玩啦仔 2019-9-4 22:38:05 缺一不可
淋病月蛾子 2019-9-4 22:43:47 ⚠️⚠️麻煩推爆佢,話比啲外國人知單嘢未完⚠️⚠️

Today, the leader of Hong Kong, Carrie Lam, proposed a motion of the withdrawal of the extradition bill. This, however, does not signify the victory of our battle.

In the press release, the leader blatantly dismissed the other four demands of two million protestors, including the establishment of an independent commission of inquiry and universal suffrage. Also, the bill is still NOT FORMALLY withdrawn as the retraction is a mere motion that can be vetoed by the pro-Beijing camp of the legislative body. Our demands are still not met.

The fugitive bill saga reveals the abuse of power of the police and the tightening grip of freedom from Beijing. Since June, we have seen the police force harming civilians in train stations; Beijing threatening to mobilise the garrison. To Hongkongers, the protest is now an act of resistance against police brutality and the narrowing freedom taken away by China. We are fighting for our future.

In such difficult time, we would love to ask for your support. Your understanding of our situation is important to pressurise the government.

We shall never surrender. Please support us.

TL;DR: It isn’t fucking over; Carrie Lam’s playing with words


外星人係邊 2019-9-4 22:52:41
圓方十里 2019-9-4 22:52:58 唔會放棄!!
Tamama二等兵 2019-9-4 22:59:18 五大訴求!缺一不可!
綠色的巨人 2019-9-4 23:10:09 絕不放棄堅持到底



工程小狐狸 2019-9-4 23:46:40
吉列大蝦仁 2019-9-4 23:48:58 撐住啊,冇人信架,唔好喊!
瘋子哥兒 2019-9-5 00:05:47 Push
(•_•; 2019-9-5 00:18:22 打死都唔信