『薪火post』BNO續期資訊(57) 先睇DOC後問問題
中秋時節雨紛紛 2019-9-4 23:22:26 恭喜巴打


何杲 2019-9-4 23:23:19 此回覆已被刪除
春日部防衛隊 2019-9-4 23:31:44 痴線,希望聽日到我approve

你係咪first time adult passport?
Meme麼麼 2019-9-4 23:38:30 多謝
btw 我是絲
流浮 2019-9-4 23:42:57 3號?幾月3號?

27/8 printed and sent 宜家影都唔見
彈出又彈入啊吹咩 2019-9-4 23:43:48 希望快D批

中秋時節雨紛紛 2019-9-4 23:44:31 係呀

中秋時節雨紛紛 2019-9-4 23:45:44

Reformer 2019-9-4 23:46:56 仲差14300,幫幫手,要拖埋英國落水

光復香港, 我係香港人,唔係中國人



註: 轉BC後可傳俾97後

Postal Code 請填000000
春日部防衛隊 2019-9-4 23:47:38 其實我想問hmpo係會經dx 寄比我地?
我是牛我是牛 2019-9-4 23:48:06


az-687 2019-9-4 23:49:18
中秋時節雨紛紛 2019-9-4 23:50:01 嘩我都想咁快印
畢到唔敢睇 2019-9-4 23:55:37 你幾時比ref no 你

何杲 2019-9-4 23:57:41 此回覆已被刪除
希魔 2019-9-5 00:02:40 HMPO > DX > DHL
蟹柳兒 2019-9-5 00:03:53 你肯定自己有BNO就去馬啦

利申報失近三星期仲係無ref no

希魔 2019-9-5 00:09:41 佢身份證大法
lala子 2019-9-5 00:11:08 住址證明佢剩係show左呢d
And 1 of the following from the last 12 months, that shows your name and address and/or residency:

letter from your employer
medical card
letter from your local council or a government department
voter’s card
visa or residence permit (a colour photocopy will do)
education record for example a school report
immigration documents

所記 2019-9-5 00:13:04 9s-0......
希魔 2019-9-5 00:13:23 英文名同地址


所記 2019-9-5 00:14:12 用電郵問清楚寄去邊。
lala子 2019-9-5 00:18:21 同埋要唔要副簽 佢係會幾時show 係俾錢之前既"What you need to send"
定係俾完錢 佢有機會sd個email俾你叫你補交
lala子 2019-9-5 00:19:58 見佢剩係show呢d 係咪唔洗副簽住

Applicant’s documents
Send the following:

a colour photocopy of both sides of your Hong Kong permanent identity card
full colour copy (every page including blank pages) of any current or expired passports from other countries that haven’t been cancelled
And 1 of the following from the last 12 months, that shows your name and address and/or residency:

letter from your employer
medical card
letter from your local council or a government department
voter’s card
visa or residence permit (a colour photocopy will do)
education record for example a school report
immigration documents
And 1 of the following that has your photo on it:

non-British passport that hasn’t expired
national identity card (a colour photocopy will do)
driving licence
any government or local government produced document
If any of the following apply, you need to send additional documents:

include a professional, or other title on your passport
apply for a British National Overseas (BNO) passport
apply for a British Protected Person passport
change your gender on your passport
renew a passport that was issued for 1 year or less
change British nationality status in your passport to British citizen
何杲 2019-9-5 00:21:10 此回覆已被刪除