英倫扮工室 (27) 之 身在英倫 心在港
Second_Cycle 2019-9-4 03:23:57 此回覆已被刪除


滑蛋豬仔飯 2019-9-4 06:12:44
Alucardo 2019-9-4 15:28:12 actually curious about the decision to switch from tier 2 to tier 1, does it make a big difference?
唔開心買鞋 2019-9-4 16:33:35 轉左之後唔洗再跟顧主
可自顧、開公司或者狂轉工,tier2 轉工有幾煩大家都知
當初整都係因為想轉工,間公司無tier 2 sponsorship先搞
D paperwork 真係好煩
雖然at the end 無轉到工
Alucardo 2019-9-4 16:49:59
good job
Second_Cycle 2019-9-4 18:20:39 此回覆已被刪除
滑蛋豬仔飯 2019-9-4 23:11:02 厲害厲害
雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2019-9-5 06:46:58 日日追議會
gumtree001 2019-9-5 07:03:36 Labour竟然唔投general election
Bhead 2019-9-5 08:16:21 新joiner so hi everyone
而家同男朋友(bc)自己租屋同居緊,準備申請spouse visa
但bank statement地址係幾年前讀完書番hk之前轉左男朋友home address (his parents house)
到時交supporting docs會唔會有影響?
雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2019-9-5 15:38:42 特登架,要確保無no deal先,同埋Boris一定會出茅招推遲個投票


gumtree001 2019-9-5 15:39:34 純Financial proof又係你個名就唔怕啦
gumtree001 2019-9-5 15:49:48 英國係未全部bill要common三個reading之後上lord過?
美國就好熟 英國反而唔識
雞巴打爸爸(奴隸) 2019-9-5 15:53:18 Lord 唔可以reject,最多揼返落去Commons再討論。Lords 可以拉布,拉到議會停為止

Alucardo 2019-9-5 16:51:37 Unmarried 唔駛同居兩年咩
Bhead 2019-9-5 17:06:08 申請spouse visa要交咩supporting架?
Alucardo 2019-9-5 17:22:46 £1000/hr consulting fee
Let me know where to send the bill
升降機(Hydra) 2019-9-5 17:25:55 CF35 5HZ
Alucardo 2019-9-5 17:39:00

Sir, what would you like to know that I can google for you?
Second_Cycle 2019-9-5 17:49:15 此回覆已被刪除
鎚鉛 2019-9-6 00:26:06 此回覆已被刪除


升降機(Hydra) 2019-9-6 00:49:56 似係你HR唔記得check email
強打少年 2019-9-6 01:09:32 10號前apply 一星期就會有消息
Second_Cycle 2019-9-6 01:25:12 此回覆已被刪除
Second_Cycle 2019-9-6 01:26:29 此回覆已被刪除