英倫扮工室 (27) 之 身在英倫 心在港
Second_Cycle 2019-9-20 00:34:15 此回覆已被刪除


Alucardo 2019-9-20 00:34:35 investment banking, management consulting, big 4 (audit, tax, risk)
gumtree001 2019-9-20 00:37:25
其實而家買樓 都係買location 大細 floor plan 同校區
滑蛋豬仔飯 2019-9-20 00:37:26 姐係要預左血汗錢倒落海
滑蛋豬仔飯 2019-9-20 00:39:33 btw 有個同事買街邊D舊樓
gumtree001 2019-9-20 00:46:12 買之前應該知
有surveyor report同業主講價
如果真係要搞 樓價應該平返
GoodShit 2019-9-20 01:04:08 唔識係咩

因為揀科果陣冇揀digital marketing
GoodShit 2019-9-20 01:14:17 我而家打算申請Working Holiday做兩年野,
滑蛋豬仔飯 2019-9-20 01:36:20
升降機(Hydra) 2019-9-20 02:09:52
滑蛋豬仔飯 2019-9-20 02:23:49


咸錫隊長 2019-9-20 02:26:45
GoodShit 2019-9-20 02:30:44 同埋我有讀CIM啲課程(Metrics同埋Future Marketing),
但係咪都係Google Analytics比較好?
升降機(Hydra) 2019-9-20 02:36:16
Second_Cycle 2019-9-20 02:46:15 此回覆已被刪除
升降機(Hydra) 2019-9-20 03:32:41
Second_Cycle 2019-9-20 03:33:37 此回覆已被刪除
唔開心買鞋 2019-9-20 05:02:45

If not, aim for small businesses that have sponsorship licence. Worst case, come back as T5 working holiday visa.

There are lots of resources online you can learn regarding digital marketing, get a few certificates learning Google analytics, adwords etc - Squared Online is a good paid one
so if you want to be competitive in the market, equip yourself
同埋我有讀CIM啲課程(Metrics同埋Future Marketing),
但係咪都係Google Analytics比較好?

但係重點係 - 如果interviewer 問你識唔識用google analytics or swords or Facebook advertising
Not about which certs you have, but the Google certs give people confidence you know how to use the platforms
gumtree001 2019-9-20 07:12:14
鄭秀妍老公 2019-9-20 12:45:28 大家好又係我

準備Tier 5之際見到Tier 1 ET原來有Talent Promise哩一類
定只要我攞到三封reference letter
我係industrial design + mechanical engineering double major
但攞reference letter的話應該只攞到design industry個邊嘅

我有個patent pending中係可以照交上去?(雖然係engineering個邊嘅但係因為主要係新嘅mechanical structure應該都可以計做design

因為Freshgrad 幾千銀對我嚟講都算係大錢唔想無機會成功嘅情況之下去白撞
Alucardo 2019-9-20 16:05:38 https://www.gov.uk/guidance/immigration-rules/immigration-rules-appendix-l-tier-1-competent-body-criteria


滑蛋豬仔飯 2019-9-20 16:53:40 詳情都係要等買鞋黎答
Alucardo 2019-9-20 16:59:25 Engineering 寫明phd
滑蛋豬仔飯 2019-9-20 17:19:57 原來真係咁難
唔開心買鞋 2019-9-20 19:59:12 PhD or equivalent research exp including industrial research
It really depends on your research exp?
Design來講我知道tech果邊係ux/ui designer 都得
Check the endorsement body see if they have an alumni network or info session and go ask them questions is the easiest way to know this...
For example tech nation ET holders have an alumni next week and even an ambassador scheme

For recommendation letter - get renowned names / senior titles to vouch for you if you can