英倫扮工室 (27) 之 身在英倫 心在港
gumtree001 2019-9-3 06:04:39 抹得走文字 抹不走真相

時代革命 光復香港


Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme) visa - Also known as working holiday
If you’re applying this visa using HKSAR passport. You need to be sponsored with an annual quota of 1000.

Tier 2 (General - Working)

For Settlement - Permanent Residence/Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)
Option 1
If you have been living in UK for 10 years and met certain requirements
Option 2
If you have been living and working (under Tier 2) in the UK for 5 years and met certain requirements


Exchange your driving licence

Living Cost
London/Cambridge - Same as Hong Kong
Outside the above metropolitan area, and the rest of the UK - cheaper than Hong Kong

FAQ 1:
I need English C2 level to get a job.
Nope you don't, B2 is doable.

FAQ 2:
A smaller firm is more likely to help with visa issues.
No, not likely at all.

FAQ 3:
Tier 5 switch to Tier 2?
It is possible but not going to be easy.

FAQ 4:
Tier 4 to Tier 2?
Preparing it when you are in year 2.

FAQ 5:
Tier 2/4/5 to settlement immediately?
Definitively possible if you are a single girl, or boy?
Levae your tg/ig here with your sexual orientation and a picture. Our 手足 will contact you shortly.


Second_Cycle 2019-9-3 06:38:41 此回覆已被刪除
Second_Cycle 2019-9-3 07:12:04 此回覆已被刪除
唔開心買鞋 2019-9-3 14:58:31 Tier 1 ET 係 Tier 1 exceptional talent
友人s 2019-9-3 15:44:05 終於無我個名喺頭post
升降機(Hydra) 2019-9-3 15:57:42 #2友人s•1 個月前
Common myths#1
I need English C2 level to get a job.

Nope you don't, B2 is doable.

Common myths #2
A smaller firm is more likely to help with visa issues.

No, not likely at all.

Common myths #3
MPH is not a urban legend
Alucardo 2019-9-3 16:35:37
滑蛋豬仔飯 2019-9-3 17:02:09
Second_Cycle 2019-9-3 17:12:21 此回覆已被刪除
升降機(Hydra) 2019-9-3 17:13:28 Eligibility
To get a Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) visa, you need to apply to be endorsed as a leader (exceptional talent) or emerging leader (exceptional promise).

Your application will be reviewed by an organisation that’s related to your qualifying field, called a ‘designated competent body’.

The designated competent bodies are:

The Royal Society, for science and medicine
The Royal Academy of Engineering, for engineering
The British Academy, for humanities
Tech Nation, for digital technology
Arts Council England, for arts and culture
If your qualifying field is fashion, architecture or film and television, Arts Council England will pass on your application for review to:

British Fashion Council, for fashion
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), for architecture
Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television (PACT), for film and television
Second_Cycle 2019-9-3 17:17:00 此回覆已被刪除


Alucardo 2019-9-3 17:56:55 佢上個po咪答左
Second_Cycle 2019-9-3 18:02:31 此回覆已被刪除
滑蛋豬仔飯 2019-9-3 18:07:49 我都唔係好明
印象中exceptional talent好難攞
Second_Cycle 2019-9-3 18:09:38 此回覆已被刪除
Alucardo 2019-9-3 18:25:17 "Marketing in tech startup"
you’re part of a senior management team that has experience in building and expanding a digital technology business

digital tech 唔係every employee = dev 囉
Second_Cycle 2019-9-3 18:29:54 此回覆已被刪除
升降機(Hydra) 2019-9-3 18:31:53 有冇HR Tier 1
Second_Cycle 2019-9-3 18:32:59 此回覆已被刪除
Second_Cycle 2019-9-3 18:34:01 此回覆已被刪除
Alucardo 2019-9-3 18:36:59 不過都係要有endorsement, 所以唔係CMO 都係marketing director 果D rank


Second_Cycle 2019-9-3 18:42:46 此回覆已被刪除
Alucardo 2019-9-3 18:49:54 睇佢肯唔肯講下
但講真咁少香港人做london tech startup senior management, 一講就自爆多
Second_Cycle 2019-9-3 18:57:08 此回覆已被刪除
Second_Cycle 2019-9-3 18:57:35 此回覆已被刪除