【緊急】831,我同德國記者去左訪問前線,好多感觸。求求大家幫手,港女尋人!!! URGENT!!!!
騎牛勇士 2019-9-2 10:08:19 港女


祖斯達 2019-9-2 10:13:42 Push
名刀三代鬼徹 2019-9-2 10:21:21 早排先有post問法律撚去左邊
攬炒大灣區 2019-9-2 10:24:59 多謝你哋
Ven 2019-9-2 10:31:38 1. it normally takes years before a decision is made. but we will request that the complaint be expedited. that's why we think 文宣 is really important after we have submitted the master complaint to the HRC

2. really good point. we know that UN is quite useless but UNHRC is different coz it is the org that directly "manages" the ICCPR. If it works out (hopefully), it would be a powerful declaration by the ICCPR body itself that popo indeed VIOLATES the treaty- hence creating immense pressure on the HK Gov. And as far as we know, there has yet been any complaints submitted to the Committee.

3. filing of individual complaints do not require legal representation/ lawyers coz it's not a court; and the purpose of its establishment is to help individuals to seek remedies on the international level.
怪獸家長 2019-9-2 10:34:31 好勁呀你地
夕立熊 2019-9-2 10:46:05
道地柑桔檸檬 2019-9-2 11:01:18
衛生根 2019-9-2 11:03:03 Push
衛生根 2019-9-2 11:03:20 Thank you so much
樓蘭 2019-9-2 11:03:51


星乜西野芳 2019-9-2 11:33:56
卜卜米奇妙妙屋 2019-9-2 11:48:23 Push!!
密摸活家禽 2019-9-2 11:48:30

夫利弱智 2019-9-2 11:49:56 推推
豬豬妺 2019-9-2 11:51:56
洛杉磯 2019-9-2 11:55:14 Push
李漢民(唔會驚) 2019-9-2 11:56:33
hkhkhkkhk 2019-9-2 11:57:14
我無野要同你講 2019-9-2 11:57:15 推啊
愛簡幗儀俱樂部長 2019-9-2 11:57:40


AmandaSeyfreid 2019-9-2 11:58:33 push
Januzaj 2019-9-2 11:59:19 PISH
施素高食雪糕 2019-9-2 12:01:11 Push
機動奔狼 2019-9-2 12:06:03 Push