【全民練歌】 《願榮光歸香港》 隨時隨地合唱回血
無牙老闆 2019-8-27 15:19:21 係咪最終版?留言仲見到有人想改


麗瑤的通心粉 2019-8-27 16:30:55 作左首軍歌幫大家回血《願榮光歸香港》 招virtual合唱
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
追post活絡油 2019-8-27 16:48:48
貓juicy- 2019-8-27 16:51:38 我都跟咗最終版本改咗
四葉妹妹~ 2019-8-27 19:30:46
星塵~ 2019-8-27 19:32:03
交配之鬼沙勇新 2019-8-27 19:33:48 唔知點解聽到眼濕濕
Sorena 2019-8-27 19:43:54
貓juicy- 2019-8-27 22:40:45 聽到眼濕濕
心思思想換美金 2019-8-28 04:06:16
雕狸唔係馬 2019-8-28 04:33:09


帝吧小王子 2019-8-28 04:33:39 此回覆已被刪除
黃大仙居民 2019-8-28 05:00:31
貓juicy- 2019-8-28 09:35:32
貓juicy- 2019-8-28 10:10:00
貓juicy- 2019-8-28 14:01:02 練歌
麗瑤的通心粉 2019-8-28 14:01:44 https://lihkg.com/thread/1512783/page/1
貓juicy- 2019-8-28 14:09:45 推晒所有國歌post 洗版
兒童餐具 2019-8-28 14:13:52 好感動
貓juicy- 2019-8-28 14:50:54 For all of our tears on our land
For all of our wrath of our men
We fight we hold tight with our voice aroused
May the lord grant us freedom

For all of our fear that lingers
For all of the steps we’ve made so far
Defy all the odds and when the march echoes
Freedom shall shine upon us

When the stars no longer guide our path
At the stake there will be courage from within
Persevere! For we are as one, with poise and be brave
Forever may the fire burn strong

Vanquish the dark as the sun breaks the dawn
Amidst the just and the right we triumph
With everlasting freedom and democracy
The glory shall save Hong Kong
飛天少男豬事J 2019-8-28 15:28:57 出去發夢一齊唱


貓juicy- 2019-8-28 18:16:00 唱!
華明邨賣瑜勝 2019-8-28 18:29:57 屌你老母型撚到,不過我喊咗,原來為國歌而喊係咁原因
華明邨賣瑜勝 2019-8-28 18:31:35 推呀
華明邨賣瑜勝 2019-8-28 18:31:45 香港建國