Ben_Simmons 2019-8-28 23:54:22


西班牙老豆Sergio 2019-8-28 23:54:26 normani 個vma真係神級,揮低好多天后呀大佬

Lauren live 都好穩定,expectation好正,但太非主流
likekids 2019-8-28 23:55:01
likekids 2019-8-28 23:56:01
Pretty_Explicit 2019-8-28 23:56:32
鹽蟹 2019-8-28 23:58:30

7r 2019-8-28 23:58:53 睇返chart 得OTR, 7 rings同Without Me 係2 weeks or more at #1 this year
Ben_Simmons 2019-8-28 23:59:11
老麥點餐機 2019-8-28 23:59:37
likekids 2019-8-29 00:00:51 唔該Gaga趁而家個chart流動性高咗快啲出first plug

睇返five foot two真係覺得佢做Joanne係好有誠意
7r 2019-8-29 00:01:20


likekids 2019-8-29 00:01:36
獨角瘦豬 2019-8-29 00:01:53 未夠一週喎,日榜?呢個絕對係第一既數啦,實係唔知比邊個團阻住晒
LG6 2019-8-29 00:02:01
老麥點餐機 2019-8-29 00:02:07
7r 2019-8-29 00:02:36 Joanne根本就係a gift to the true little monsters
7r 2019-8-29 00:03:38
西班牙老豆Sergio 2019-8-29 00:04:32 it's all about PR
nothing real
likekids 2019-8-29 00:05:38 Dangerous Woman first-week sale 20811 charting at no.2 only in Japan

1989 first week sale 52308 charting at no.3 only in Japan

likekids 2019-8-29 00:10:19
7r 2019-8-29 00:11:08


獨角瘦豬 2019-8-29 00:14:05
7r 2019-8-29 00:17:26 Taylor Swift reaches #1 on the Hot 100 songwriters chart for the first time.
7r 2019-8-29 00:17:51 Taylor Swift’s “I Forgot That You Existed” & “The Man” has now sold over 100,000 units in the US.
7r 2019-8-29 00:19:09 Britney Spears' 'In the Zone' was the top selling catalog vinyl album in the US this week.

It makes its first appearance on any US chart in 15 years