哇, 屌你老母, 差佬D 子彈係達姆彈(空尖彈)黎, 打中人必死
高齡護士 2019-8-25 00:05:00


我釣鯉露毛 2019-8-25 00:05:04 屌。問題係 驅趕示威者 唔係用橡膠彈,唔係布袋彈,唔係催淚彈,而係高傷害力空尖彈。
警警警警你老母 2019-8-25 00:05:44
電車難題 2019-8-25 00:05:54 由於受害者的死亡過程緩慢,加上必須承受過多生理上的痛苦與心理上的巨大恐慌,不合人道,因此在1899年海牙公約《禁用入身變形槍彈的聲明》的規定中,目前各國軍隊都不得使用該類型彈頭。其宣言如下:
『締約國同意放棄使用容易在人體中擴張或扁平的彈頭,例如像是外面堅硬的包覆層沒有完全包住彈體、或是有割痕的彈頭。 』
李鎮赫個煲蓋頭 2019-8-25 00:06:02 推!
洛杉磯 2019-8-25 00:06:09 Push
今天鵝 2019-8-25 00:06:29
雖人辯太GT 2019-8-25 00:06:37 之前有post講過,減低穿透力先會咁。
太言 2019-8-25 00:06:56 喂,呢隻彈係禁用架喎
好打有限公司 2019-8-25 00:07:00 此回覆已被刪除
夏威夷蕉 2019-8-25 00:07:44 哇屌


dave 2019-8-25 00:07:53 推!!!!!
再世姜維 2019-8-25 00:07:58
電車難題 2019-8-25 00:08:05 Hollow-points, or more generally “engineered expanding ammunition”, has several advantages to police:

Increased “permanent cavitation" (bigger hole, more tissue damage) from the increased diameter and possible sharp edges of the expanded round.
Better energy transfer into the target, with less chance of “overpenetration", due to the increased frontal area and decreased dynamic profile of the bullet.
Smaller, faster bullets (e.g. 9mm Luger) gain more from the technology, allowing these bullets to be much more nearly as effective as larger bullets while retaining the advantage of being easier to control in rapid fire or by smaller-framed shooters.
Hollow-points are statistically more survivable, in part because they're more effective at incapacitating their target. ER doctors and trauma surgeons used to hate expanders (the whole “Black Talon" backlash in the 90s was led by the medical community), but once they figured out how to remove the bullets without further damaging tissue in the wound channel, the doctors realized that their GSW patients were surviving more, because they had fewer extra holes in them due to the expanding rounds requiring fewer hits to stop a fight. A person who made it to the hospital alive after being shot had really good odds of staying that way.
長撚叔叔 2019-8-25 00:08:05 Reddit 都有人講緊:
原因不明 2019-8-25 00:08:08 唔係達姆彈黎 呢隻唔會爆開
我真係好愛香港 2019-8-25 00:08:15 要禁止警察用呢種子彈
小春子bb豬 2019-8-25 00:08:21 此回覆已被刪除
東區水上人 2019-8-25 00:08:22 各位吾洗over react

Hollow point bullets用左好多年嫁la 自從1993年已經開始用 葉繼歡用AK開托夢想之後

其實一般PC既Smith & Wesson Model 10 子彈只係38 Special 比起Glock 17 用既子彈9x19mm Parabellum 仲要弱一d

奇在d POPO竟然成早又跌槍又跌子彈
廢中香港人 2019-8-25 00:08:22 push
penitenziagite 2019-8-25 00:09:22 612 721 811


中大能貓 2019-8-25 00:09:22 呢排左輪用?
雅景臺吳三桂 2019-8-25 00:09:25 此回覆已被刪除
清潔好輕鬆 2019-8-25 00:09:57 好難禁, 啲狗係例行記者會死都唔會認
倒數2047 2019-8-25 00:10:19 wtf