哇, 屌你老母, 差佬D 子彈係達姆彈(空尖彈)黎, 打中人必死
德衛恩衛德 2019-8-24 23:52:39


西班牙老豆Sergio 2019-8-24 23:52:45 屌你老母黑警死全家
你咁樣講我唔會驚 2019-8-24 23:52:46
蒜頭獸 2019-8-24 23:52:52 Cls死癲狗
繼嫂機 2019-8-24 23:52:55
男權主義者 2019-8-24 23:53:05
尼泊爾自動人形 2019-8-24 23:53:21 此回覆已被刪除
Calsium 2019-8-24 23:53:26
溶岩龍 2019-8-24 23:53:29 無知唔緊要 都起碼追下po 咁多巴打解釋左
哎呀等我變身先 2019-8-24 23:53:29 Dnlm
bulubulu 2019-8-24 23:53:35


活像木偶誰會在意 2019-8-24 23:53:36 此回覆已被刪除
專注五大訴求 2019-8-24 23:53:49 stopping power既問題, 呢類子彈彈頭會係人體爆開, 人體會即時吸收哂所有能量, 咁就可以即時制止個犯既行動, 而普通子彈有機會穿透, 令能量散失, 未必完全停止到對方既行動

至於軍隊既話, 佢地支步槍能量大, 就算你吸唔哂都夠做, 就唔洗用咁殘暴既子彈
發夢夢 2019-8-24 23:53:52
825 荃葵青
窮過大雄 2019-8-24 23:53:58 Push
丹素華盛頓 2019-8-24 23:54:05 The Hague Convention of 1899, Declaration III, prohibited the use in international warfare of bullets that easily expand or flatten in the body. It is a common misapprehension that hollow-point ammunition is prohibited by the Geneva Conventions, as the prohibition significantly predates those conventions. The Saint Petersburg Declaration of 1868 banned exploding projectiles of less than 400 grams, along with weapons designed to aggravate injured soldiers or make their death inevitable. NATO members do not use small arms ammunition that is prohibited by the Hague Convention and the United Nations. That is until the United States started issuing the new Sig-Sauer, M-17 9mm pistol, with the Winchester Arms company making a hollow point bullet for the new squad level pistol, and subsequently deploying soldiers with this ammunition.[citation needed]

Despite the ban on military use, hollow-point bullets are one of the most common types of bullets used by civilians and police,[3] which is due largely to the reduced risk of bystanders being hit by over-penetrating or ricocheted bullets, and the increased speed of incapacitation.

認真, 此post已完
一23四 2019-8-24 23:54:05 軍隊禁但警隊比用,唔好咁無知
林奠血娥 2019-8-24 23:54:18 此回覆已被刪除
丁滿與澎澎 2019-8-24 23:54:29
魔雷基 2019-8-24 23:54:31 真槍緊係會打死人啦
匭燮龘 2019-8-24 23:54:36


膠口香 2019-8-24 23:54:40 原來係佢
爽脆生腸 2019-8-24 23:54:49
利蹦辣 2019-8-24 23:54:50 其實可唔可以柒少陣
風景絲絲 2019-8-24 23:54:56 謝解釋