哇, 屌你老母, 差佬D 子彈係達姆彈(空尖彈)黎, 打中人必死
笑右 2019-8-24 23:42:42


Jjjjkkkjkjjjjjjj 2019-8-24 23:42:50 炒哂車啦大家
斜陽 2019-8-24 23:42:51 推咗先!!!!
Ellipsis 2019-8-24 23:42:59 Push
蛋白質代表 2019-8-24 23:42:59 Push
陳炯明 2019-8-24 23:43:03 此回覆已被刪除
天空宙心拳 2019-8-24 23:43:08 此回覆已被刪除
連燈股神 2019-8-24 23:43:10
摸燃個野唷 2019-8-24 23:43:18 .
白人炒蛋 2019-8-24 23:43:19 屌係咪痴撚線
百香果冰氣 2019-8-24 23:43:22


牛牛牛牛 2019-8-24 23:43:39 不要說推,請說 721 811 1. 尖沙咀瞄頭射,射爆女仕眼球 2. 以化學武器攻擊葵芳/太古車站內,近距離開槍射擊 3. 北角無視黑幫攻擊記者/平民 4. 參與非法集會,以磚/汽油彈攻擊防暴警犬,煽動民眾 5. 製造偽証 6. 警犬在太古站推人落電梯 7. 荃灣攻擊平民
當家作主 2019-8-24 23:43:52
君子之交合 2019-8-24 23:44:06
FG50k 2019-8-24 23:44:07 no from a military standpoint the objective is to wound and make an enemy out of action therefore it is irrelevant whether a target is dead or not, in fact a living but wounded soldier is prefered as he would require medic and other resources to rescue, plus the wounded will detriment moral. on the other hand, police forces uses Hollow points because FMJ .38 special is too weak to stop fugutives and hollowpoint is better suited to urban areas. the question of shooting to kill has no correlation to why popo adopted Hollowpoints.
冇咁嘅人喎 2019-8-24 23:44:14 係, 警察要STOPPING POWER, 同埋唔好射穿中流彈
百香果冰氣 2019-8-24 23:44:18
啊~香蕉魚 2019-8-24 23:44:33 痴撚線 人地打仗都唔用得
BlockV@Falcon9 2019-8-24 23:44:40 係叫SWC

失蹤罪 2019-8-24 23:44:44
鳥出驚人 2019-8-24 23:44:46


imacphone 2019-8-24 23:44:49 呢個係快速上彈器, 跌左only, 應該不是要嚟對付我地
而我不是有錢人 2019-8-24 23:44:50 此回覆已被刪除
Jjjjkkkjkjjjjjjj 2019-8-24 23:44:51 但係你都用唔到喱條例去砌班公安
十五歲女胴 2019-8-24 23:45:02 救命

推啦 繼續推