哇, 屌你老母, 差佬D 子彈係達姆彈(空尖彈)黎, 打中人必死
DJ_OZURA 2019-8-24 23:22:36 黑警想殺人


KCCC 2019-8-24 23:22:37
油炸蕃薯那少年 2019-8-24 23:22:41 推一推

利申 唔識
真嘢唔好攞出嚟講 2019-8-24 23:22:44
Nayeon 2019-8-24 23:22:45 係咪想比人告死
禾稈冚禾稈 2019-8-24 23:22:47
金J人 2019-8-24 23:22:55 好似禁用嫁喎
FG50k 2019-8-24 23:22:56 咪on 9, hollowpoint is the default round in almost all police forces, even in the US(pls google hollowpoint 9mm) because Full Metal Jacket is deemed underpower and unsafe for law enforcement use. HOLLOWPOINT: In order to maximise stopping power of pistol rounds the projectile is designed to expand in soft tissues, giving it similar wounding performance of a rifle round. It also has weak penetrating power, so it will tumble but not exit the shot body, mitigate the chance of hitting any stranger.
比卡超綠陰肌 2019-8-24 23:23:04 屌你老母 推
水嶋杏美係我老婆 2019-8-24 23:23:05
32D小企鵝 2019-8-24 23:23:19 6 4 個陣就喺用呢隻彈


勇武文藝青年 2019-8-24 23:23:24 打仗唔可以用警察可以
其實美國全部警察都係用佢 容易制服目標又唔會穿透太多野打中無辜
有病及早醫 2019-8-24 23:23:30 仆街死黑警
你姓詩巧 2019-8-24 23:23:30
邊際替代率 2019-8-24 23:23:33 唔好炒車
黑警冇一個係無辜 2019-8-24 23:23:34 借個位

有冇律師可以幫手諗諗有冇得申請禁制令 禁止再放過期催淚彈


議員 eg 楊岳橋
律師/大狀 eg 梁家傑 黃國桐
勇武文藝青年 2019-8-24 23:23:35
股巨肌 2019-8-24 23:23:36
張某 2019-8-24 23:23:38 痴撚線
絲襪奶茶(冇絲襪) 2019-8-24 23:23:39
希望製造者 2019-8-24 23:23:41 推上reddit Twitter


小清新新新 2019-8-24 23:23:42
粗壯巨stake 2019-8-24 23:23:45 我知你話用中空彈有佢用意,我講緊香港就係無平民持鎗權先比人撳住砌,乜彈都死
陳炯明 2019-8-24 23:23:50 此回覆已被刪除
9up組組長 2019-8-24 23:23:51