法庭臨時禁制令 印鑑出錯! HIGHT COURT 係高等法院咩?
浮塵 2019-8-24 12:15:55


叉燒包 2019-8-24 12:15:55 行使虛假文書
Buddy 2019-8-24 12:15:57 幫佢fc qc埋 on9
黃埔舒拉丕栓 2019-8-24 12:15:58
鄭花甲 2019-8-24 12:15:59 呢啲文件發現錯印一定即時dum 左佢
牟世法王 2019-8-24 12:16:02 偽造文書
忘仔 2019-8-24 12:16:03 是是旦旦
9upfucup 2019-8-24 12:16:05 如果真係偽造禁制令, 港鐵公佈左後, 法庭冇出聲
我個名有咁長 2019-8-24 12:16:05
炸雞熊 2019-8-24 12:16:06 偽造文書wohoo
榮華月餅 2019-8-24 12:16:08 Backup啊各位


一源 2019-8-24 12:16:09 推爆

Sd 左俾楊岳橋

大家諗下記得變個政客係律師底就sd 俾佢地關注下



Hi Alvin,

Sorry to disturb you. I just came over a post at lihkg doubting on the lawfulness of the MTR injunction order due to a suspected wrong High Court chop endorsement(high court wrongly spelled as hight court). People have already made a comparison with previous endorsement and couldn’t find any hight court. The link is appended below for easy reference:


法庭臨時禁制令 印鑑出錯! HIGHT COURT 係高等法院咩?
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區


1. Is it still legally binding?
2. Is there any suspected offence of MTR for forgery and using a false document?
3. Are there any persons aiding and abetting this offence?
4. Could we JR the injunction order?

Thanks very much.

Keep on Hong Kongers.
輝少 2019-8-24 12:16:10 官網睇到 冇得炒
癲濟公 2019-8-24 12:16:12 首先要judge嘅 個章係唔係偽造
絕對零度ccc 2019-8-24 12:16:13 造假推爆 冇可能咁樣錯
黑色生命線 2019-8-24 12:16:15 此回覆已被刪除
中田翔矢 2019-8-24 12:16:19
COOJ 2019-8-24 12:16:21 此回覆已被刪除
狗西議員 2019-8-24 12:16:22 有填埋編號
桐谷直葉 2019-8-24 12:16:23
天佑港人 2019-8-24 12:16:23 即係有機會其他判案書都冇效


榮華月餅 2019-8-24 12:16:27 Backup啊各位
騷人墨客 2019-8-24 12:16:29
Coutinho(sold) 2019-8-24 12:16:30 嘩屌你老母咁都得
狂風掃浪蝶 2019-8-24 12:16:30 港共為左面子,會即刻宣布睪丸由琴日開始正式改名為hight court