獌獸擂噸 2019-8-23 21:41:41 不過,Grammar 係咪有啲問題?


寒霧湖 2019-8-23 21:44:18 一定有
Jamfanfan 2019-8-23 21:44:30 好靚
希古恩BB🖕🏻 2019-8-23 21:45:09 詩詞歌好似唔理grammar?
寒霧湖 2019-8-23 21:45:38 唔介意呀!
寒霧湖 2019-8-23 21:45:52 Po 啦!
聖德辣殺 2019-8-23 21:48:19 改改d grammar!
寒霧湖 2019-8-23 21:48:23
聖德辣殺 2019-8-23 21:48:50 改左grammar先
寒霧湖 2019-8-23 21:49:49 請出手
雪走僮 2019-8-23 21:50:26


港豬A 2019-8-23 21:50:32
我有隻好得意嘅狗 2019-8-23 21:51:01
寒霧湖 2019-8-23 21:52:20 推到有巴絲幫手改英文
獌獸擂噸 2019-8-23 21:52:26 如果轉做
We are the Light of the Lion Rock

We shall glow in the mountains
We shall light up the streets
We shall shine through the darkest of nights.

We are the light.


香港人改變世界 2019-8-23 21:53:13 真係好咸
乳都宮 2019-8-23 21:55:29 感動
慢半拍搖擺 2019-8-23 21:55:40 同舟行
寒霧湖 2019-8-23 21:56:23 Er....er....er.....要請其他巴絲幫下眼
織安真看子 2019-8-23 21:56:28 此回覆已被刪除
建國baby 2019-8-23 21:57:30 此回覆已被刪除


堅定鬥士 2019-8-23 21:58:22 諗起alan walker 首alone

If this light is not forever
At least we are together
The bill has not withdrawn
The chief still stay at home

Anywhere, whenever
Apart, but still together
We fight for what we want
please stand with us - Hong kong
寒霧湖 2019-8-23 21:59:02
Westaytgt 2019-8-23 21:59:07 Ching 邊間教會.....
濕鳩liy-問鼎高峰 2019-8-23 21:59:26 唔係重新
係依一代既 新獅子山精神