LIHKG 【海外戰線求援】加拿大中文電台散播721假新聞以及抹黑爆眼義士
綠帽鹿角 2019-8-23 00:58:52 Dr. Thomas In-Sing Leung


隨機遇怪 2019-8-23 08:42:23 我見Facebook果度都改咗,我轉頭cut and paste番過黎

另外聽聞有sound clip作證,而家佢地搞緊擺上Google drive同YouTube. 一搞掂就同大家分享
Casemiro14 2019-8-23 08:45:33 加拿大啲中文媒體又係控制晒
社會學研究生 2019-8-23 08:47:38
SuperSixEvo 2019-8-23 09:41:23 正。快d upload !!!!!!
隨機遇怪 2019-8-23 10:39:10 派咗條Google Drive Link出黎先

綠帽鹿角 2019-8-23 10:52:38 唔止電台
就算中文電視新聞 都係睇omni好啲
失業仔 2019-8-23 10:55:26 pish
醉後冇事 2019-8-23 10:56:15 823死線+人鏈,824機場+觀塘,825荃葵青,831民陣,902三罷
SuperSixEvo 2019-8-23 11:05:59 好多年冇睇過local 中文電視
SuperSixEvo 2019-8-23 11:06:26


查拉克警(犬) 2019-8-23 11:06:58
薄荷葉 2019-8-23 11:10:18 此回覆已被刪除
hk3 2019-8-23 11:15:15 Push
西蘭花炒鮮魷 2019-8-23 11:21:56
SuperSixEvo 2019-8-23 11:27:02 條片咁清,係咪1470自己流出嚟
落雨又落雪 2019-8-23 11:34:55 我記得之前有巴打向加拿大舉報自己親戚喺fb發表親共言論違反加拿大價值,最後佢親戚俾加拿大查
蛇咬都唔認 2019-8-23 11:47:39 最憎班冚家鏟將啲假消息當真咁講,又話睇晒所有片,𨳒你老母乜撚嘢白衣人打黑衣人,啲片我睇到係白衣人打白衣大肚婆,打記者,打車入面無得走唧公公婆婆小朋友⋯𨳒你老味仲好意思扮晒客觀⋯佢係講畀啲盲人聽,或者扮盲的人聽嘅⋯投訴佢老母臭閪啦,真係好撚嬲
隨機遇怪 2019-8-23 12:01:51 佢好似有網上直播,應該有聽眾cap咗
隨機遇怪 2019-8-23 12:03:36 有加拿大地址嘅,麻煩填一填Form,幾分鐘已經完成
Name of Radio Station: CJVB Fairchild Radio AM1470
Program Name: News Talk
Date of Program: August 21, 2019
Time of Program: 9:20 AM

Specific Concern:
I am very distressed by the false accusation and fake news broadcasted during radio program News Talk on AM1470 (CJVB Fairchild Radio, Vancouver). I am now writing to complain and express my displeasure with Mr. Thomas In-Sing Leung’s (aka Liang Yancheung) irresponsible behavior, and demand CBSC to take action in preventing more slanders and lies being aired on AM1470.

At approximately 9:20am on August 21, 2019, Mr. Leung commented on the Triad Attack targeting Hong Kong civilians that occurred on July 21, 2019. According to his words, he reviewed all live feeds and put the blame on the civilians for provoking the “locals” to attack. Mr. Leung even went as far as calling the civilian’s defense against armed attackers with a fire-hose as “the action that started the whole incident”. There are many videos during the attack, including a reporter beaten live on camera by the white-shirt triad thugs that can be served as solid evidence that Mr. Leung's statements are untrue. Furthermore, his blaming of the victims is disgusting and completely unacceptable.

Mr. Leung has been very vocal about being a Beijing supporter, and he had history of defaming victims, including a woman who suffered permanent blindness from police shooting in Hong Kong. I am seriously concerned about AM1470’s neutrality with the way they handle the anti-extradition protest in Hong Kong. I believe Mr. Thomas In-Sing Leung is unfit to host or participate in any current event programs on AM1470, and demand of his immediate removal.
真正連登仔 2019-8-23 12:06:14


隨機遇怪 2019-8-23 12:14:46 加拿大中文電台散播不實言論證據:
冇加拿大地址唔緊要!幫手Send Email就可以!
Subject - 強烈譴責梁燕城


本人在此謹勸貴台立即發出公開聲明,譴責梁燕城借用貴台的節目時段來發放虛假消息 (fake news),並承諾對梁燕城此人從此永不錄用。如貴台對梁不予譴責、依舊聘用/邀請為貴台節目嘉賓,我等必將事情投訴至 CRTC,務求達到要影響貴台牌照。
麻宮順子 2019-8-23 13:36:28 以前fairchild用TVB片 omni就用亞視
涼精精 2019-8-23 13:38:39
何堯君 2019-8-23 14:37:02