SuperSixEvo 2019-8-22 12:59:13 梗係啦溫哥華星島總編victor ho一d 都唔奶共
係art gellary 出面果次反送中集會佢有係台上講嘢


隨機遇怪 2019-8-22 13:01:19 已經check過,CRTC話投訴節目要搵CBSC
打擊低能仔 2019-8-22 13:03:42 共產黨一早收買晒海外華媒, 佢地勁到偷蘋果原稿當自己稿.
當然唔出得街既會刪. 所以點解養大咗共產黨全世界埋單就係咁解.
綠帽鹿角 2019-8-22 13:03:59
智能燈神 2019-8-22 13:05:32 又係梁燕城依條賤七耶膠
Andrew_Wiggins 2019-8-22 13:05:43 以前都有聽下1430
隨機遇怪 2019-8-22 13:06:49 已 Check,AM1470係由CBSC監管

Do you have a complaint about TV or radio broadcasting content that you have not been able to fix?
The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) is the complaints resolution body for private radio and TV stations and specialty services. Check if the broadcaster is an Associate of the CBSC. For a complaint that involves an associate of the CBSC:

Contact the CBSC:
online: www.cbsc.ca
mail: P.O. Box 3265, Station D Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6H8
fax: 613-233-4826
telephone: 613-233-4607
toll-free telephone: 1-866-696-4718

隨機遇怪 2019-8-22 13:07:53 條友竟然話中共無逼害基督徒,
加藤英 2019-8-22 13:07:56 打電話去友台爆佢地先
風雨如晦 2019-8-22 13:09:30 人人齊做文宣
風雨如晦 2019-8-22 13:09:49 連登仔上網做文宣


abcfgdefdg 2019-8-22 13:09:59 Push
綠帽奇俠 2019-8-22 13:10:34
SuperSixEvo 2019-8-22 13:12:33 以前係CRTC 的,可能而家改咗
2DA6 2019-8-22 13:18:30 幫手呀
富川一枝花 2019-8-22 13:19:24 此回覆已被刪除
村長個女 2019-8-22 13:31:11 佢同好多官有交情

拉拉手制 2019-8-22 13:39:01
海豹桐虹 2019-8-22 14:04:10
自己一個 2019-8-22 14:31:13 Push
筲箕灣胖妹 2019-8-22 14:32:18 香港係投訴之都,唔係唔做野呀嘛今次


洛杉磯 2019-8-22 15:03:33 Push
自由的西西 2019-8-22 19:24:38 仆街!
CSIS 電話即打: 613-993-9620
Grothen 2019-8-23 00:35:33 佢英文名唔係Liang Yancheung啵
SuperSixEvo 2019-8-23 00:44:06 今朝又係梁燕城
