大波靴里拉 2019-8-23 11:03:01 Offer god


NRGU 2019-8-23 11:06:43
Taromochii 2019-8-23 11:16:36
不可通往上層 2019-8-23 11:22:12
st12 2019-8-23 11:25:58
花生前輩 2019-8-23 11:27:43
牆角的紙巾 2019-8-23 11:34:58
中大周杰倫 2019-8-23 11:38:30
悟空那會相信 2019-8-23 11:39:24 offer god
69kg 2019-8-23 11:43:11 Offer god

st12 2019-8-23 11:44:31


地球遊子 2019-8-23 11:56:43 此回覆已被刪除
牆角的紙巾 2019-8-23 12:06:15 Hong Kongers will come in as political refugees. We will need a lot of effort to house them and bad for the British reputations to the International community then.
花生前輩 2019-8-23 12:08:40 出邊都好似有人話唔好再推呢個petition
唔~~天氣不似預期 2019-8-23 12:41:44 此回覆已被刪除
howbaddouwantit 2019-8-23 13:35:15
中大周杰倫 2019-8-23 13:39:26
殘忍只須一棍 2019-8-23 13:40:05 board b袐書幾靚女
howbaddouwantit 2019-8-23 13:42:32
howbaddouwantit 2019-8-23 13:43:19
howbaddouwantit 2019-8-23 13:45:30


Underclass 2019-8-23 13:53:23
中大周杰倫 2019-8-23 13:53:30
花生前輩 2019-8-23 13:55:23
st12 2019-8-23 13:55:53