黑警冚家剷! 2019-8-21 18:10:25 Sure. Why not


十一月五十一 2019-8-21 18:10:26 Ching sick ball!
Yaula 2019-8-21 18:11:35 依度9up多架wo
鳩up王 2019-8-21 18:12:04 A wise once said:LIHKG is not a place. It’s a people
沉默中滅亡 2019-8-21 18:12:12 之前有人開post講過要bilingual同開英文台

係時候發揮我地香港人嘅雙語能力 - We should discuss bilingually
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
白天不懂夜的黑 2019-8-21 18:13:00 點解會有聲
City反枱王 2019-8-21 18:13:07 此回覆已被刪除
冬天的空軍 2019-8-21 18:13:11
神忍 2019-8-21 18:13:59 連登最多就係冷氣軍師,一啲用都冇
阿姆姆無魔 2019-8-21 18:14:28 Tuen Mun
娛樂之王 2019-8-21 18:15:09 推左先


HaniBB 2019-8-21 18:15:35 Google translate連登d post
Fast1371 2019-8-21 18:15:42 Absolutely true
連登村西透 2019-8-21 18:16:19 [公投]連登應唔應該有外語台
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
奶C9 2019-8-21 18:16:37 此回覆已被刪除
荒天帝 2019-8-21 18:16:57 This way Sir!! er...er..we..we..by bus!
黃到仆街 2019-8-21 18:17:12 我無野講 我唔解鎖 我搵律師 唔好凶我 我投訴你 五大訴求,缺一不可 撤回修訂,不撤不散 撤回暴動,釋放義士 警黑勾結,獨立調查 落實承諾,實行普選 光復香港,時代革命 616 721 811
水瀨上連登 2019-8-21 18:19:07 大家好 我之前寫咗個英文文介紹連登 我依家擺喺呢度先

Welcome to our strategic and planning hub, LIHKG, for Hongkongers in the fight!

What is LIHKG, you ask? LIHKG is one of two popular Hong Kong forums. This is a chill and relaxed area for Hong Kongers to hang out and chat with each other. Topics are set into many different channels, most active of which is the politics channel, because of the current situation.

Posts spew out every second or so. The way these posts reach Popular (熱門 in Chinese) is with comments and upvotes. These posts normally include useful information or plans of protests, photos, etc.

Not everyone can get an account on this forum. In fact, it can almost be hard. For an account, you must sign up with a Hong Kong ISP (internet service provider) email or a Hong Kong university email.

Currently, because of the recent incidents, there is now a stricter control on this. See the ‘P’ logo next to my name? This means that I am a newer member. Newer members (if you signed up during the protests or had less than 90 days of activity before the protests) have fewer abilities. For example, we cannot upvote posts, we cannot create more than one post a day, etc. In Chinese, we call these people (such as me) a “P牌仔”.

This restriction is placed due to the number of sanmao/wumao (三/五毛), which spread propaganda of the Mainland Chinese government (illegally according to their own laws on bypassing the Great Firewall), hacking into or creating accounts on the forum.

Most posts on the forum are only in Cantonese, and the forum layout is only in Chinese, so it is normally very hard to read content here. Still, you can try to get a grip of the upcoming protests with some of the English posters we use to notify the public with.

Hey, thanks for visiting! We hope you enjoy your stay. Thank you for your time reading my long post.

sorry for 1999,電話難打
K1000 2019-8-21 18:19:58 英文台
水瀨上連登 2019-8-21 18:21:52 請支持我原本個post:

Welcome to LIHKG, English visitors! (英文po by P牌仔)
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
黃色巴士 2019-8-21 18:22:46 連登就黎變reddit


一粒吉 2019-8-21 18:22:57 I agree with u
磨練 2019-8-21 18:24:02 i 好似 independent好過isolate下話
哈比絲 2019-8-21 18:27:52 Ok I go to school by bus
紅豆沙沙包 2019-8-21 18:28:29 I go to school by airplane