請大家一定要支持 BNO 平權!
氣質咪神 2019-8-21 14:42:04 好多義士 都係90後 好多都持有 BNO
BNO 平權 對我地黎講 係一種保護
抗爭運動 行到依家 黑警做過乜 大家都清楚 濫暴
義士亦都有可能被捕後 比黑警好似醫院酷刑咁去對待
大家諗下 如果醫院單野 個老年人渣緊BC

BNO 平權可以保護番一大班抗爭人士


你冇L野丫 2019-8-21 14:42:50
時代門外再聚 2019-8-21 14:42:57 push
失控 2019-8-21 14:43:17 [非常重要] *BNO* holders 機會來啦! 請大家幫幫手入去爭取居英權! 記得check email, click返confirmation 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


(大家可以照簽, 因為有BNO已經係英藉, 只係海外啫。居住地方揀返香港就可以! )
如此真心意 2019-8-21 14:43:31 Please sign

氣質咪神 2019-8-21 14:45:04
八鄉指揮官 2019-8-21 14:46:43 我敢講,呢個係最好既機會平權,亦都係最後一個機會平權。支持下啦
氣質咪神 2019-8-21 14:48:33 自推
氣質咪神 2019-8-21 14:50:41
秒回撚 2019-8-21 14:51:57 此回覆已被刪除
美圖獸獸 2019-8-21 14:52:56


如此真心意 2019-8-21 14:53:47 Matthew Kilcoyne, from the Adam Smith Institute and report author, said:

“Britain has a duty to uphold the rights of the citizens of Hong Kong in the face of excessive force being used toward protestors and laws that infringe on the autonomy of the city. While the UK is far away, the country has a special link to these islands, and it has a responsibility and the ability to offer a home away from Hong Kong should the need arise.”

氣質咪神 2019-8-21 14:55:21
氣質咪神 2019-8-21 14:59:22
迪倫 2019-8-21 15:00:22 BNO平到權變BC嘅話
如果有揸BC嘅手足比人拉 屈暴動罪
八鄉指揮官 2019-8-21 15:01:42 建造個新香港都仲得啊,我地香港人唔係流
氣質咪神 2019-8-21 15:05:03
鳩咁大 2019-8-21 15:07:36 就算平到,你估英國咁易俾你過去咩,咪又係為錢(鳩估)
利申 持有
フレッド 2019-8-21 15:09:25 push
慘慘員工 2019-8-21 15:09:29 簽左🤘🤘
Reformer 2019-8-21 15:13:44 https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/244402


氣質咪神 2019-8-21 15:17:35
氣質咪神 2019-8-21 15:20:47
氣質咪神 2019-8-21 15:44:56
緣覺強 2019-8-21 19:26:01