[Reddit] 第一次見呢張六四嘅相
五文字 2019-8-21 16:22:31 I was in elementary school in Beijing at that time, my sister was the student body leader for her university, and quite active in the protest. I remember my dad’s stoic face as he set out to find my sister at Tiananmen Square in the afternoon of June 3rd, myself and all the young kids of the family were gathered at my grandma’s house (which isn’t really wise in retrospect since her house was only about 10 mins away from Tiananmen, while our own house was much further...) under strict orders to not go outside. Later I was told they had first deployed tear gas to disperse the students, but many students wrapped dampened cloths on their faces and went back in. Luckily my dad found my sister and older cousin in time and forcibly dragged them home, otherwise they probably would’ve perished.
This whole thing was horrible. My mom’s best friend worked at a maternity hospital in Beijing city, on that night dozens of wounded and dead were being rushed to their hospital, even though they didn’t have the means to deal with the trauma, being a maternity hospital and all. But the wounded kept coming through, they tried their best to treat them, not many survived. Before dawn they put the IDs out on top of dead bodies to facilitate identification - many of which are student IDs - but in the morning cops came by and confiscated the IDs. Shortly after coroners’ van came and took the bodies. People who lost their kids that night were told their kids were missing. Or ran away.
My family lived in the district of Beijing that housed quite a few Chinese science institutes, many kids from that district went to major universities in Beijing and participated in the demonstrations. I’ll never forget the wailing in our neighborhood in the following days, weeks, months. They can cover up the truth all they want, I’ll never forget. And I’ll do my best to make sure others won’t, either.
Edit: I’m so happy to be able to contribute a little to the students’ legacy with my comment! Some of you guys asked for more info on the movement itself, I think this wiki page does a pretty decent job of outlining it, certainly much better than my 10 year old brain at the time could remember. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests give it a look if you’re interested! And my whole family left China many years ago, we’re perfectly safe, no worries


睇唔到車尾燈 2019-8-21 16:23:27 https://lihkg.com/thread/1490061/page/1
前線既一封信 前線表示唔可以袋住先,
集氣俾前線 幫手正評推上熱門

元朗POST得果幾百LIKE, 有冇搞錯?
好撚唔開心 2019-8-21 16:24:24 大陸網軍send比我
近水樓台 2019-8-21 16:24:53 睇唔明 可唔可以解釋下
好撚唔開心 2019-8-21 16:25:07 http://64truth.blogspot.com/2009/03/blog-post.html?m=1
Ryan壞左啊 2019-8-21 16:25:53 又真係冇見過
Gymgym自喜 2019-8-21 16:26:27 原來個時6月5香港都有玩中資銀行擠提

唯唯(反送中) 2019-8-21 16:27:40 之前同個大陸佬拗呢件事
神犬廢格信 2019-8-21 16:28:52 呢排真正感受到六四對上一代香港人既影響
NIKKO 2019-8-21 16:32:45 I was in elementary school in Beijing at that time, my sister was the student body leader for her university, and quite active in the protest. I remember my dad’s stoic face as he set out to find my sister at Tiananmen Square in the afternoon of June 3rd, myself and all the young kids of the family were gathered at my grandma’s house (which isn’t really wise in retrospect since her house was only about 10 mins away from Tiananmen, while our own house was much further...) under strict orders to not go outside. Later I was told they had first deployed tear gas to disperse the students, but many students wrapped dampened cloths on their faces and went back in. Luckily my dad found my sister and older cousin in time and forcibly dragged them home, otherwise they probably would’ve perished.

This whole thing was horrible. My mom’s best friend worked at a maternity hospital in Beijing city, on that night dozens of wounded and dead were being rushed to their hospital, even though they didn’t have the means to deal with the trauma, being a maternity hospital and all. But the wounded kept coming through, they tried their best to treat them, not many survived. Before dawn they put the IDs out on top of dead bodies to facilitate identification - many of which are student IDs - but in the morning cops came by and confiscated the IDs. Shortly after coroners’ van came and took the bodies. People who lost their kids that night were told their kids were missing. Or ran away.

My family lived in the district of Beijing that housed quite a few Chinese science institutes, many kids from that district went to major universities in Beijing and participated in the demonstrations. I’ll never forget the wailing in our neighborhood in the following days, weeks, months. They can cover up the truth all they want, I’ll never forget. And I’ll do my best to make sure others won’t, either.

Edit: I’m so happy to be able to contribute a little to the students’ legacy with my comment! Some of you guys asked for more info on the movement itself, I think this wiki page does a pretty decent job of outlining it, certainly much better than my 10 year old brain at the time could remember. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests give it a look if you’re interested! And my whole family left China many years ago, we’re perfectly safe, no worries

睇top comment 真係好沉重
圍她逗奶 2019-8-21 16:33:29 抗爭就係最後既手段


你無撚野啊 2019-8-21 16:34:47 好撚好笑好撚幽默?
Gymgym自喜 2019-8-21 16:35:39 https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/对于六四事件的反应

近水樓台 2019-8-21 16:36:19 呢個網入面有好多肉醬相 岩岩睇曬 好心up
叫咩撚嘢好 2019-8-21 16:36:46 此回覆已被刪除
近水樓台 2019-8-21 16:37:55 屌 我都有人send過d類似既野比我
做過兩次兵 2019-8-21 16:38:04 共產黨只在乎自己既政權
IY3TS 2019-8-21 16:38:36 Sor
Oedipus 2019-8-21 16:42:10 對上一次係文革
智慧出有大偽 2019-8-21 16:42:14
武妝小姐 2019-8-21 16:44:11 如果我地係今次抗爭死晒 , 得番d藍絲 , 幾十年後香港都係咁。


終須有日龍穿鳳 2019-8-21 16:45:50 我地嘅未來,留住條命,集中營見
阿菠蘿個頭 2019-8-21 16:48:06
武妝小姐 2019-8-21 16:50:07 點算 , 我起左你底發現你係五毛
火山口旁抽插 2019-8-21 16:51:57 烏克蘭發生過一次啦