[Reddit] 第一次見呢張六四嘅相
九唔搭八囉 2019-8-21 15:38:55 攬炒只係手段,
目標係五大訴求 缺一不可


熊貓獵人 2019-8-21 15:39:23 如果中共真係成功倒台,希望可以搵返當年嘅倖存者出黎

讓旋律沉默控訴 2019-8-21 15:40:27

いくちゃん 2019-8-21 15:40:55 係呀 周杰倫嚟嫁

亦舒撚 2019-8-21 15:40:56 此回覆已被刪除
Ohlala~ 2019-8-21 15:41:19 藍絲就算9數啦, 而家都仲係藍, 應該係冇良心良知
九唔搭八囉 2019-8-21 15:42:13 有國際制裁嫁,去維基睇下啦
一日冚包散 2019-8-21 15:42:36
二貨課長 2019-8-21 15:43:17 收聲啦分化撚,對家挑機我會撐到底,扮同路人挑機我會叫佢去死,做埋D熱狗做嘅野,為乜?為咗做仆街?恭喜你,你已經係仆街。
坂口渚沙@Team8 2019-8-21 15:44:38 好認同巴打所講
詳盡天氣 2019-8-21 15:44:46 我同你地所有人講,我地約好左將來要係煲底一齊慶祝,一齊唱歌,一齊喊,一齊笑,加埋有幾個儍佬裸跑






除得快 2019-8-21 15:45:58
中出廿連發 2019-8-21 15:46:02 https://blog.boxun.com/hero/64/52_1.shtml

64p 圖,慎入
轉個靚彎到 2019-8-21 15:46:32 搞唔掂 好癲
KEF 2019-8-21 15:48:46 第一次睇?
武妝小姐 2019-8-21 15:51:41 我本身係一個1989年後出世既人 , 所以一直冇咩感受 , 冇去過64蠋光晚會 , 就算雨傘後都冇 , 因為同而加差太遠了 .... 但今次後..我估我會去...
牛利蘇 2019-8-21 15:52:03 應該當時有槍聲,所以個個趴地下,之後停左先起身再走。右下方架人動作會表達到現場危急情況。
唯唯(反送中) 2019-8-21 15:53:54 呢本咩黎
犯賤貝兒 2019-8-21 15:54:40
弱者先瞓覺 2019-8-21 15:56:21 好沉重
禍必及妻兒 2019-8-21 15:57:13 睇到起雞皮


不割蓆不分化 2019-8-21 16:01:37 呢張相

為左自由 為左香港!
Sky_Croc 2019-8-21 16:01:45 Blinkyouredead• 8h
I was in elementary school in Beijing at that time, my sister was the student body leader for her university, and quite active in the protest. I remember my dad’s stoic face as he set out to find my sister at Tiananmen Square in the afternoon of June 3rd, myself and all the young kids of the family were gathered at my grandma’s house (which isn』t really wise in retrospect since her house was only about 10 mins away from Tiananmen, while our own house was much further...) under strict orders to not go outside. Later I was told they had first deployed tear gas to disperse the students, but many students wrapped dampened cloths on their faces and went back in. Luckily my dad found my sister and older cousin in time and forcibly dragged them home, otherwise they probably would』ve perished.

This whole thing was horrible. My mom’s best friend worked at a maternity hospital in Beijing city, on that night dozens of wounded and dead were being rushed to their hospital, even though they didn』t have the means to deal with the trauma, being a maternity hospital and all. But the wounded kept coming through, they tried their best to treat them, not many survived. Before dawn they put the IDs out on top of dead bodies to facilitate identification - many of which are student IDs - but in the morning cops came by and confiscated the IDs. Shortly after coroners』 van came and took the bodies. People who lost their kids that night were told their kids were missing. Or ran away.

My family lived in the district of Beijing that housed quite a few Chinese science institutes, many kids from that district went to major universities in Beijing and participated in the demonstrations. I』ll never forget the wailing in our neighborhood in the following days, weeks, months. They can cover up the truth all they want, I』ll never forget. And I』ll do my best to make sure others won』t, either.

Edit: I』m so happy to be able to contribute a little to the students』 legacy with my comment! Some of you guys asked for more info on the movement itself, I think this wiki page does a pretty decent job of outlining it, certainly much better than my 10 year old brain at the time could remember. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests give it a look if you』re interested! And my whole family left China many years ago, we』re perfectly safe, no worries
一粒吉 2019-8-21 16:02:02 上面巴打都有講係圖書館嗰啲回憶錄之類嘅嘢
唔係我的 人哋send畀我的 我都唔知咩名
Himawari 2019-8-21 16:04:17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hA4iKSeijZI&feature=youtu.be&has_verified=1

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