“Mission and Vision of the Organization”自己揀番啱用嗰間呀! Delete機構名就咁放落去~~
1. 宣明會World Vision:
- Emergency relief that assists people afflicted by conflict or disaster.
- Promotion of justice that seeks to change unjust structures affecting the poor among whom we work.
2. 無國界醫生 Medecin Sans Frontieres
- MSF provides assistance to populations in distress, to victims of natural or man-made disasters, and to victims of armed conflict. They do so irrespective of gender, race, religion, creed, or political convictions.
- MSF observes neutrality and impartiality in the name of universal medical ethics and the right to humanitarian assistance. MSF claims full and unhindered freedom in the exercise of its functions.
- Members undertake to respect their professional code of ethics and to maintain complete independence from all political, economic, or religious powers.
3. 樂施會 Oxfam
- Our vision is a just world without poverty. We want a world where people are valued and treated equally, enjoy their rights as full citizens, and can influence decisions affecting their lives.
4. 奧比斯 Orbis
- To transform lives through the prevention and treatment of blindness.
5. 聯合國兒童基金會 UNICEF
- UNICEF is committed to ensuring special protection for the most disadvantaged children - victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation and those with disabilities.
- UNICEF responds in emergencies to protect the rights of children. In coordination with United Nations partners and humanitarian agencies, UNICEF makes its unique facilities for rapid response available to its partners to relieve the suffering of children and those who provide their care.
6. 救助兒童會 Save the Children
- We respond to major emergencies, deliver innovative development programmes, and ensure children's voices are heard through our campaigning to build a better future for and with children.
7. 香港紅十字會 HKRC
- Protect human life
- Care for the health of the vulnerable
- Respect human dignity
8. 國際培幼會 Plan International
- Empower children, young people and communities to make vital changes that tackle the root causes of discrimination against girls, exclusion, and vulnerability.
- Drive change in practice and policy at local, national, and global levels through our reach, experience, and knowledge of the realities children face.
- Work with children and communities to prepare for and respond to crises and to overcome adversity.
- Support the safe and successful progression of children from birth to adulthood.
2019-8-21 12:22:34
2019-8-21 12:22:45
推 823
2019-8-21 12:22:54
2019-8-21 12:23:00
2019-8-21 12:23:08
Dear Sir or Madam,
Concerns about the Humanitarian Crisis in Hong Kong
I have been agreeing and upholding the above-mentioned missions and visions of your organization for a considerable period of time, and thus I have been a part of your organisation as a donor since many years ago. Yet the silence your organization chose to remain towards the humanitarian crisis which broke out since 12 June 2019, has been very disappointing to your donor as well as a supporter like me. As an international humanitarian organisation, I am confident your organisation is well aware of the consequences and crisis brought up by the “Anti-Extradition Bill Movement” since June 12 2019, in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.
“Anti-Extradition Bill Movement” has developed beyond purely political conflict into a humanitarian crisis, especially to children and teenagers. Please allow me, a local Hong Kong citizen facing daily humanitarian treats, to recapitulate the current situation and thus humanitarian needs emerged in this one of the wealthiest cities in the world. On behalf of all the donors making monetary contribution to your worldwide missionary programmes, I hereby urge you to pay more attention and publicly respond to the subject matter.
Since 15 Aug 2019, The Hong Kong Police Force has already arrested 748 people, including children and teenagers. Some of them were charged unlawful assembly, and 16 of them were even charged of riot with maximum sentence of 10 years. Some defendants, including a 15-year old student, reported that they were detained for 12 hours before they were allowed to see their attorney. Amnesty International Hong Kong points out that the definition of unlawful assembly and riot in Hong Kong are both very vague and are not up to international standard. They are very concerned if the defendants can defend themselves fairly on court, which seemingly aims to threaten people away from the future protest.
Furthermore, conflicts have been spread to various districts in Hong Kong. Unproportionally excessive violence was found applied on citizens almost on daily basis. Police are shooting tear gas and rubber shots indifferently in residential area, indoor area and crowded places, and even to people. There have been reported cases of various ammunition shot directly at protesters’ head. The United Nations human rights chief stated on 13 Aug, that the way Hong Kong police using their weapons has violated international rules and standards, including shooting tear gas indoor resulting in high risk of mass injuries or death, demanding Hong Kong Government to investigate on related cases. (CNA’s report on HK Police firing tear gas in indoor metro station beneath residential buildings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baulep4aXck)
2019-8-21 12:23:26
Besides, there have been indiscriminate attack on ordinary citizens as well as journalist in various districts citywide by anonymous group of people, which police chose to intentionally neglect and delay their obliged enforcement. Not a single individual has been charged until this day, it gave rise to a series question of police being ambivalent and condoning the underworld community’s unlawful behaviour.
Hong Kong’s freedom of speech and freedom of assembly is protected by The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Protesters are being repressed by imbalanced force, long detention, anonymous attack and obstruction of seeing their attorneys. Such serious violation of basic human rights is now happening in Hong Kong where your organisation collecting thousands of millions of Hong Kong dollar per annum for your humanitarian aid work around the clock in different corners of the Earth.
All of the above incidences prove that what is happening in Hong Kong now is no longer a political incident, it is a humanitarian crisis. At the same time, the government has been as arrogant and disregardful of all these circumstances ultimately caused by its authoritarian rule of the city. As a humanity saving organization, your organization has not spoken a single word and chosen not to respond to any of them. This turned my faith in this internationally qualified and reputable organization, into numerous doubts on reducing your organisation as one of those INGO taking the advantages of Hong Kong for monetary donation and easy access to China, the biggest body of economy.
I hope that your organization can have an adequate response and action to prove that my doubt was completely wrong, otherwise I, as well as thousands of your donors in Hong Kong, will seriously rethink on keeping my monthly donation with our stake in your organisation.
聯合國人權事務高級專員巴切萊特(Michelle Bachelet)13/8已發聲明,指已檢視可靠證據,證明香港警方使用武器的方式,違反國際規範及標準,包括是在封閉的空間施放催淚彈等,造成相當大的死亡或嚴重傷害風險。但係多個消息來源表示,各大機構之前綫員工即使已收到來自捐款者嘅質詢同埋批評,傳訊部門一直mon post,甚至早有員工響應罷工/向高層反映,位高權重但極級離地之高層對此仍然置若罔聞。
1. 宣明會(2018善款超過9.1億):有巴絲post CUT捐回覆,「oh好遺憾」
2. 無國界醫生(2017總收入超5億):有巴絲post非新聞稿答覆,達哥式回應(一直有mon住關注情況,屌你你mon到香港淪陷埋先出手不如)
3. 樂施會(2017總收入超2.5億):無回應,平行時空
4. 奧比斯香港(2018年總收入超2.1億):無回應,平行時空
5. UNICEF HK(2017年總收入超1.7億):無回應,平行時空
6. Save the Children (2017年總收入超1.6億):無回應,平行時空
7. 香港紅十字會(2017/18年總收入超1.4億):18/8出咗份聲明,借世界人道主義日輕輕帶過呼籲各方克制,過去兩個多月動員逾800人次做電話熱線加現場支援https://www.redcross.org.hk/tc/press_room/press_release_2019/201908182.html
8. 國際培幼會(2017年總收入近8000萬):無回應,平行時空
1. 將罷捐呼籲擴散至各大專頁社交平台 Facebook, instagram
2. 繼續呼籲家人、朋友、親戚cut咗活喺平行時空嘅國際組織
3. 直接電郵轟炸各機構之總部,要求正面回應。如未cut捐嘅,繼續炸香港分部個email(中英template見下方)
4. (第三波)不排除上街狙擊街站
28 Aug 2019 (Wed)– 12:00 pm