[月經] iOS集中討論區 (99) 準備進入Apple月費服務時代
哈林 2019-8-28 11:36:58 話唔定airpod仲靚聲


後面好緊臭 2019-8-28 11:44:19

13.1 BUG 到豬
雪中送愛 2019-8-28 11:49:09

搵日飲茶 2019-8-28 11:52:05 呢個bug 13.0最後PB先出現
點解13.1 DB可以未fix
GuyBerryman 2019-8-28 11:58:49 又用返iPhone 8隻金?
秋葉飄絮 2019-8-28 12:12:23 推 有冇人知
破地獄2019 2019-8-28 12:25:00 個13咁鳩新機點出
消毒藥水 2019-8-28 12:25:19 Lockscreen用3d touch reply whatsapp 直情成個keyboard用唔到
放低一蚊挑機 2019-8-28 12:30:45 Notification撳link無反應 好似仲衰過13嘅db1
呻吟待射 2019-8-28 12:35:02 實已證, 新 iPhone supports Apple Pencil

From Release Notes of iOS 13.1 DB 1

Resolved Issues

If your app links PencilKit, and its deployment target is iOS 13.1 or later, you can now submit it to the App Store. (53811027)
國際牌黑絲 2019-8-28 12:37:20 iPhone Note


丁屎 2019-8-28 12:41:23 The new Iphone
Iphone note
Iphone note pro
O_Giroud 2019-8-28 12:42:27 Steve jobs真係彈返起身
舞島あかり 2019-8-28 12:43:55 比ipad 都得,關咩事?
國際牌黑絲 2019-8-28 12:44:34 咁十幾年前嘅世界同依家又差好遠嘅
呻吟待射 2019-8-28 12:44:52 iPad 係 iPadOS 喎 Ching
國際牌黑絲 2019-8-28 12:47:32 如果新iPhone真係可以用筆
好撚勁 2019-8-28 12:54:28 其實WWDC都有提過 pencilkit,講緊 iPad 果時都係講 iOS 13
Who wants a stylus?
國際牌黑絲 2019-8-28 12:58:25 其實有筆嘅手機除咗三叔note叫做比較成功外
舞島あかり 2019-8-28 12:58:51 佢有d 都係寫ios13 當包埋ipados

SwiftUI APIs deprecated in previous versions of iOS 13 beta have been removed. (53310683)

After updating to iOS 13 beta 6 or later, iCloud Drive might synchronize for an extended period of time.
舞島あかり 2019-8-28 12:59:49 不過都唔排除係有pencil


瀨屎牛丸改 2019-8-28 13:59:14 有啲咁嘅事
呻吟待射 2019-8-28 14:03:18 今次 iOS 13 有啲特別

好多 bugs 係分機種發生, 例如 X 有 Xs 冇咁
以前啲 iOS 呢個樣嘢冇咁明顯
瀨屎牛丸改 2019-8-28 14:07:26 正確啲嚟講係apple挽批鬥
ADMM 2019-8-28 14:16:10 Iphone開始太多機種