給絕望的你2: 國師陳雲預言運動如何收科和如何影響香港未來發展
Hana_G 2019-8-21 21:43:13 此回覆已被刪除


符致逸老婆 2019-8-21 21:44:00 但好多人黎緊已經想衝
白兵 2019-8-21 21:44:23
Hana_G 2019-8-21 21:48:00 此回覆已被刪除
duaaa 2019-8-21 22:03:33
煲底義士 2019-8-21 22:04:34 岩岩開左個陳雲tg group,想大家可以集中討論佢既理念

BlackMWOps 2019-8-21 22:21:10
Qscgyj 2019-8-21 22:21:26 此回覆已被刪除
豬豬妺 2019-8-21 22:25:07
panzerchan 2019-8-21 22:26:47 If you have foreign passport, here is a template for writing to your parliamentary representative:

Dear sir/madam,

I write to draw your attention to the situation in Hong Kong, and ask for your support in sanctioning human rights violators here, and prohibit the sale of any crowd control items/weapons to the city.

Since June this year Hong Kong police indiscriminately fire tear gas, rubber bullets, bean bag shots at protestors, civilians, journalists and paramedics alike.

From June to August 2019, within just three months:

The police fired tear gas inside indoor subway stations.

The police fired tear gas in housing estates and into elderly homes. Tens of thousands of civilians including babies, children, elderly, pregnant women, journalists were injured by tear gas.

Dozens of people were injured by rubber bullets or bean bag shots. A first aider and a teacher have lost their eyes.

The PRC government breached the Sino British Joint Declaration by mixing Chinese personnel into the Hong Kong police force to attack us. It also sent triad gangsters to indiscriminately attack civilians on streets and in train stations. On 21 July hundreds of triad gangsters indiscriminately beat up civilians on streets, in train stations and inside the trains in Yuen Long. A pregnant woman got beaten up with no mercy. On 11 August, Chinese government sent gangsters from China to attack civilians with knives on streets in North Point.

We now live in Hong Kong. How will you protect us? Will you support sanctions against such human rights violators under the Global Magnitsky Act (or under its local equivalent), to deny their visas and freeze their assets? Will you support measures to prohibit the sale of crowd control items /weapons to Hong Kong?

Best wishes,
白兵 2019-8-21 22:26:47 正喎!


煲底義士 2019-8-21 22:26:59 t.me/chinwanfans

冇人識你呀 2019-8-21 22:27:05 此回覆已被刪除
煲底義士 2019-8-21 22:29:06 t.me/chinwanfans

煲底義士 2019-8-21 22:30:11 t.me/chinwanfans

B612 中堅快入
BlackMWOps 2019-8-21 22:32:39
Carrick_16 2019-8-21 22:42:30 的確係好有料
in Cloud Chan we trust !
毛新宇將軍 2019-8-21 22:55:40 陳云根話永續左基本法, 中共就會守約, 自然一國兩制可守
WTO 堆約佢都唔守, 但教徒們就深信根叔所言相信共匪俾面根叔一定守約
煲底義士 2019-8-21 23:15:00 t.me/chinwanfans

毛新宇將軍 2019-8-21 23:15:01 連deep state 呢D 冇得prove 同disprove都拎埋出黎講, 你對根叔已經變左係信仰, 其實你知唔知trump 既女婿係Jews, trump 任內亦將駐以色列大使館搬去耶路撒冷, 咁trump 係咪又係你講嗰堆猶太資本
反錫安主義唔係陳云根第一個人玩, 俄佬玩過, 納綷德國亦玩過, 又係話佢地大搞資本主義, 破壞各地文化
世界上無一個經濟理論同社會政策係完美, 但以傳統文化滿天神佛去戰勝現代經濟理論就同義和團心態冇乜分別
Pepe 2019-8-21 23:15:36 2014之後 曾經我唔相信國師 覺得佢真係冇食藥


其他泛民都只係執佢口水尾 永遠慢幾拍先跟得上佢既智慧
可惜仲係有好多人寧願聽劉細良、hocc 之流廢up


dill 2019-8-21 23:16:59 睇陳雲要自己過濾一下內容

BlackMWOps 2019-8-21 23:18:15
煲底義士 2019-8-21 23:19:12 但起碼永遠都有法可守,有咩事可以大條道理抗爭,加上人權民主法案已經令人有信心
煲底義士 2019-8-21 23:20:31 t.me/chinwanfans
