The police have fired tear gas at crowds from far off or partly hidden positions. The tactic is considered inappropriate, since the crowds don’t have sufficient warning and the police don’t have a full view of the environment.
When the tear gas is lobbed over the outer wall of the police station, the police don’t appear to have a specific target or purpose, and it haphazardly hits the crowd.
Mr. Bueermann又指出,第二/三輪嘅催淚彈跟本就係無必要嘅。既然啲人已經走緊,而你地又話出動催淚彈係為左驅散人羣,咁就唔應該繼續射催淚彈啦!而且,你放得越多,啲人就愈難走!
The use of a second and third round of tear gas, to the experts, also seemed to go too far. “If people are leaving, and that was your intent, then stop using it,” Mr. Bueermann said.
Also, the more tear gas is used, the harder it can be for people to leave.
“If you don’t give them enough warning, if you don’t give them a place to go, if you use too much gas, if you charge them too soon, all of those things can be counterproductive of the primary goal of dispersing the crowd,” said Mr. Bueermann.