『薪火Post』BNO續期資訊(52) 英國國會之你抵壘未
是陽光普照的清晨 2019-8-18 20:22:07 請問
1. 父母結婚證係以前大陸中文證,係咪要certified translation? 搵一個專業人士translate就可以定要岀去搵translation公司?
2. 父母以前大陸岀世,無岀世紙,用身份證副本 ok?



Zannanza 2019-8-18 20:22:43 此回覆已被刪除
森忠友素 2019-8-18 20:23:39 父母結婚證:冇人理

Fact Checked
所記 2019-8-18 20:39:46 寫信解釋當然好啲,但填錯唔係others其實影響係通常交少啲文件,PE會睇完再決定是否要補文件,所以你只需交現在要求嘅,至於是否解釋由你決定。
此處不留萌 2019-8-18 20:40:51 去完一個camp由52跳左去52
此處不留萌 2019-8-18 20:41:37 50跳去52先啱
酸民治日鮮 2019-8-18 20:42:17 首先,睇下佢係唔係真係要求你交呢啲文件先。



連登仔 2019-8-18 20:42:41 唔該晒巴打
希魔 2019-8-18 20:48:53 REPORT LOST先
所記 2019-8-18 20:49:36 講真,由於新系統將太耐無續嘅歸類做首次申請,所以系統要求父母文件,而英籍係可以由父母繼承嘅!但bno係由bdtc轉嚟,所以根本唔需要父母資料,最重要係你有無曾經持有bno。


IKK-train 2019-8-18 21:06:59


粒六 2019-8-18 21:10:46 咩冇人理
岑麗香 2019-8-18 21:14:17 巴打,一世平安
az-687 2019-8-18 21:30:07
Reformer 2019-8-18 21:30:24 幫幫手去reddit, twitter, facebook share, 等多D人簽
Dear British Citizens,

Most people who were born in Hong Kong before 1997 hold British National (Overseas) passport (BNO), which means they can only stay in the UK for up to 6 months. British National Overseas citizens are the only few nationalities with no right of abode in their own country.

As you may see on the news, China has breached the Sino-British Joint Declaration repeatedly, putting the lives of Hong Kong people at risk. We have no choice but to suffer under the Chinese rule.

We (British National Overseas citizens) are quality British. We can make Britain great again with the following facts:
1. Hong Kong people are highly educated. The majority of the young people received tertiary education.
2. GDP per capital of Hong Kong is comparable to that of UK, which ranks 15th in the world according to the International Monetary Fund (2018).
3. The average Hongkonger owns USD$245,000, which ranks 14th in the world according to the Global Wealth Report 2018 published by the Credit Suisse Research Institute.
4. Hong Kong people share common value with British.
5. Hong Kong people are pragmatic and industrious. We want to contribute to the British society, and we are willing to assimilate.
6. We respect the rule of law because this is the intrinsic value taught by the British before 1997.

As Tom Tugendhat (MP) put forward: “The UK had obligations to Hong Kong citizens before 1997, and the extension of overseas citizenship, which is in many ways a second-tier citizenship, was a mistake, and I think it’s one that should be corrected. At a time when there are clearly tensions in Hong Kong, the UK could reassure many Hong Kong citizens that their existing rights are recognised by the UK, and they are valued.”

Please help Hong Kong by signing this petition:

You help is much appreciated.

Many thanks,
British National Overseas citizens

瑜大夫 2019-8-18 21:34:26 • old passport
• full birth (civil and hospital) or adoption certificate showing both the child’s and parents’ details
• the passport used to enter the country from which you are applying (if this applies)
• full colour copy (every page including blank pages) of any current or expired passports from other countries that haven’t been cancelled
舊BNO係2002年發出 今次要求俾呢啲資料~~唔洗老豆老母資料
大雁 2019-8-18 21:39:15 有兩樣野想問

1. 如果我申請期間, 要寄特區護照的彩色影印, 但可唔可以用特區護照去外地

2. 副簽人係唔係可以用電子相片

酸民治日鮮 2019-8-18 21:41:21 1, 點解唔得,你又唔係寄正本。當年咁嘅措施正正就係畀持有外國護照嘅英國護照申請人係護照申請期間有其他護照可用

2, 我唔明你想問咩,副署人都唔使畀相
嬰兒車甩尾 2019-8-18 21:48:55 唔該晒
大雁 2019-8-18 21:49:09 明白曬
你係邊位 2019-8-18 21:49:10 你好 請問副簽個度 如果揾bc holder但佢仲係學生得唔得架?


酸民治日鮮 2019-8-18 21:52:54 學生就睇你彩數啦,有人歡喜有人愁
程又青 2019-8-18 21:55:36
酸民治日鮮 2019-8-18 21:57:55 首先,都係嗰個睇下佢係唔係真係要求你畀出世紙先,係嘅話,正如我前幾個post所講,出世紙嘅用途係證明你嘅英籍來源,其他文件係無意義嘅,不如寫封信解釋點解畀唔到出世紙仲好啦。
az-687 2019-8-18 22:03:53