[COYS - 香港人維園見] 熱刺球迷吹水區 163
迷你老母科 2019-8-21 19:52:20 我熱同阿積士不嬲歐洲兩大猶太球會


延文禮士 2019-8-21 19:55:45 Foyth 同 son復出
吉田菫 2019-8-21 19:57:46 Yid刺
Foyth(五月) 2019-8-21 20:13:44 未傷好
C.C.V.(一花) 2019-8-21 20:29:22 第n次覺得 cc台風向撚多到
Foyth(五月) 2019-8-21 20:32:21 好撚憎
屌你alli 2019-8-21 21:26:50 唔好睇公海啦
C.C.V.(一花) 2019-8-21 21:41:36 就係掃兩掃都覺得多
反利維的細屎忽 2019-8-21 22:41:16
屌你alli 2019-8-21 22:45:32 全部手足都係人 唔係個頭

btw 手足們萬事小心
經典皇牌 2019-8-21 22:47:49


反利維痾(科迷) 2019-8-21 22:52:35
Foyth(五月) 2019-8-21 22:57:33
屌你alli 2019-8-21 22:58:15
Son興慜(迷普) 2019-8-21 23:00:33 係 科速龍嚟
Son興慜(迷普) 2019-8-21 23:01:36
Foyth(五月) 2019-8-21 23:08:29
Son興慜(迷普) 2019-8-21 23:10:53
反利維的細屎忽 2019-8-22 02:27:10 Tottenham Hotspur on-loan attacker Jack Clarke is once again missing from the Leeds United match-day squad and is not selected by manager Marcelo Bielsa.

Eriksen23:P 2019-8-22 02:32:41 下個月係大阪想入場睇大阪飛腳 但唔知點入手....
反利維的細屎忽 2019-8-22 02:37:26 Spurs’ Hugo Lloris believes Tottenham Hotspur need to show more consistency if they are to challenge for the Premier League title this season:

“We are going to try our best to challenge for top spot, but it is difficult to find consistency.”



吉田菫 2019-8-22 03:24:49 睇邊場
Eriksen23:P 2019-8-22 03:25:26 得鳥棲果場姐......
吉田菫 2019-8-22 03:27:14 可能你想睇大阪打比呢
Foyth(五月) 2019-8-22 03:28:50 有冇j league 買飛教學